Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 7 (3-4) 2008     ISSN: 1644-0741
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TitleDistance and volume of transports, depending on transport type and farm size
AutorStanisław Kokoszka
Keywordsload size, transport weight, transport distance
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Completed research and analysis of obtained results allowed to assess the size of transported loads and transport weight in the context of assumed distance ranges. The analysis was performed depending on transport type and farm size. In case of the examined farms, on average 42.04 % of total load is transported to the distance of up to 2.0 km and 23.97% – over 10.01 km, while the above-mentioned values are very highly diversified, depending on transport type and farm size.

TitleThe influence of blanching of pepper on the energy-consumption during its freeze drying and on rehydration of dried paprika during storage
AutorAndrzej Krzykowski
Keywordsblanching, freeze drying, storage, pepper
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The influence of water blanching duration of pepper on the its freeze drying process i.e. the duration of the lyophilization process and the levels of energy involved, as well as the reconstitution properties of dried materials during 24 months storage were investigated. A crumbled raw material was blanched in water at temperature of 95°C and then dried at heater plates temperature of 40°C and pressure 63 Pa until to final water content of 8%. The duration of pretreatment has proved to have significant influence on the duration of freeze drying process and on the rehydration rate. Extending the blanching duration of pepper from 1 to 3 minutes results in shortening of freeze drying process and lowering of the energy level involved. Lengthening the duration of blanching in this range has a positive effect on the rehydration rate of dried materials, whereas the storage time reduces its capacity for absorbing water, especially when the blanching process has not been carried out.

TitleSelected quality features of frozen yeast bread shaped by some sugar substitutes and use of two thawing methods
AutorFranciszek Kluza, Katarzyna Kozłowicz
Keywordsphysical properties, frozen bread, microwave thawing
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The purpose of the work was to investigate of yeast bread thawing and to assess the influence of sucrose substitutes (sorbite, honey) on quality of fresh and frozen bread. Characteristics of chosen physical properties (weight loss, specific mass and proportion crust and crumb) of bread after its microwave and in air thawing. Applying sorbite and honey reduced baking and increased the productivity of the dough and breads. Microwave thawing has important influence on weight loss of the bread and its elasticity compared to those of bread thawed in air. The organoleptic evaluation showed that the bread with honey and that after microwave thawing have obtained the least of points.

TitleEvaluation of computers and Internet utilization in individual farms
AutorJarosław Figurski, Edmund Lorencowicz
Keywordscomputers in agriculture, Internet utilization, agricultural farms
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The results of questionnaire investigations, conducted in 126 agricultural farms were introduced. Computers were used in 94 farms. The way of computers and the Internet utilization was qualified, as well as expectations connected with it. Mainly standard operating and office programs are in use, only 10% of farmers use specialized and advisory programs. 53% of computer owners was connected to the Internet. The majority of Internet users used it to get information (44%), training and education supplementing (35%) and communicating. Farmers in majority (over 63%) recognize the legitimacy of using this type of equipment, as a tool for better farm functioning. Farmers confirmed the necessity of enlarging the computerization of village.