Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 10 (1-2) 2011     ISSN: 1644-0741
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TitleEnergy absorbed by a microwave-irradiated potato tuber
AutorTomasz Jakubowski
Keywordsmicrowave, energy, potato
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The study aimed at the determination of the power absorbed by a potato tuber during its microwave-heating with regard to its electrical properties and biometric characteristics. Seed-potatoes, put in the microwave cavity with the capacity of 15.7 dm3, were irradiated for 10 seconds with microwaves at frequencies of 2.45 GHz generated by a 100 W magnetron. The results showed that the method adopted in the experiment allowed for the estimation of microwave energy absorbed by the irradiated potato tuber and for its expression as the amount of absorbed power.

TitleInfluence of different preparing methods of wheat grain before milling on flour moisture
AutorDariusz Andrejko, Mariusz Kania
Keywordsmilling, wheat, moisture content
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The contribution shows the results of the research on the moisture content of flour obtained from grain of wheat subjected to different methods of processing before milling. The research involved 3 varieties of spring wheat. The grain with different initial moisture content was moistened in different pressure conditions and then subjected to infrared radiation for 90 and 150 seconds. After such preparation the grain was subjected to a milling and then the moisture content of the gained flour was tested. The research has shown that flour with higher moisture was obtained from grain subjected to moisturing in the pressure lower than atmospheric in the same duration of infrared radiation heating process.

TitleThe importance of environment of microclimate comparative studies on the example of relative humidity formation in fattening with different feed consistency
AutorHenryk Żelazny
Keywordscomparative study, air humidity, room for livestock
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The aim of methodological study was the feasibility analyze of making comparative assessment of the relative internal humidity under influence of different consistency of foods, with two disturbing factors, that is, in buildings located in various Polish regions and for measurements not performed at the same time. Hygrothermal parameters of air were measured on selected days of three months of spring and autumn in the group of rooms, where animals are given a dry feed to the feeders, and in areas with pipelines transporting liquid feed to the troughs. Temperature and relative humidity in each group were clearly dependent on the external climate, and therefore evaluation of the impact of the kind of feed on the moisture conditions in the studied groups of areas was not possible. The results confirmed a very significant environmental impact on the reliability of the comparative characteristics of microclimate variation in different livestock buildings.

TitleTechnical, technological and health safety aspects smoking of meat
AutorAnna Bagnowska, Lucjan Krala, Radosław Mostowski, Anna Trzęsowska
Keywordsmeat smoking, the smoke, smoking methods, PAHs, health safety of meat smoking
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Main factors deciding of characteristics of smoked meat products are the method and conditions of smoke generation and wood species. Usually the smoke is generated by using wood or chips of hard deciduous trees. The smoke can be produced through the slow, controlled incineration, pyrolysis, glowing or rubbing of wood with the defined humidity. The smoking process may be conducted in various temperatures, various smoke dencidity and air circulation in the smoking chamber. Improper smoking conditions, and in particular conditions of smoke generating, can lead to elevated accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), sixteen of then are regarded as potentially carcinogenic agents, in smoked goods. This threat is eliminated when the traditional smoking processes are replaced by treatment with liquid smoke preparations which can be derived through elimination of hazardous PAHs and tar substances from smoke condensates. These preparations replace the traditional smoke in all aspects because they ensure the characteristic, delicate color of smoked products, delicate aroma and act as antibacterial and antioxidative agents thereby contributing to the increased shelf-life.

TitleLaboratory device for measuring of materials acoustic parameters
AutorAndrzej Wesołowski
Keywordsnondestructive research, speed of propagation of ultrasonic waves, ultrasonic research
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In the work is presented designed, built and preliminary tested device equipped with a measuring module which allows to find out a exact way and time of ultrasonic waves getting through material. Measuring module allows easy and fast replacement of ultrasonic transducers of any shape.