Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 2 (2) 2003     ISSN: 1644-0741
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TitleThe problems of rationalization of diagnostic test of machines
AutorAnna Molińska, Czesław Rzeźnik
Keywordsagricultural machines, technical diagnostics, quantity of information
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The paper presents the method of rationalization of diagnostic test of machines, using the level of informative entropy about their technical state. According to the theory of information, the larger the differentiation of the probabilities of damage of individual parts of a machine, the smaller the informative entropy. In such a case we need less information from diagnostic tests to qualify the technical state of machine. This fact was used in differentiating the probabilities of damage of parts based on information about their exploitation. A suitable order of checks was proposed, which allows an essential decrease of the expenditures of diagnostic tests of machines.

TitleThe graduates of Agricultural and Forest Technology in Agricultural University of Poznań. the results of the poll for the graduates from 1971 to 1982 years
AutorMarzena Górawska, Czesław Rzeźnik
Keywordsagricultural and forest technics, studies, graduates, work
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The results of the poll for the graduates (from 1971 to 1982) of Agricultural and Forest Technology major in August Cieszkowski Agricultural University of Poznań have been shown in this paper. The questionnaire has concerned the problems connected with their work, community service and their own assessments of these fields. Obtained results can determine comparative material for universities conducting similar majors. They should be used for modernization of curriculums and forming new majors or specialties.

TitleThe analysis of microwaves drying of parsley in conditions of low pressure. Part I. Drying kinetics of unblanched and blanched parsley
AutorKlaudiusz Jałoszyński, Eugeniusz Kamiński, Marian Szarycz, Anna Szponarska
Keywordsdrying, microwaves, reduced pressure, parsley
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Abstact. The drying kinetics of unblanched and blanched parsley were presented. Drying process carried out in microwave-vacuum conditions. During dehydration two periods of process were singled out and described with empirical equations. It was observed that in conditions of experiment applied value of pressure had no influence on drying process. The significant differences between drying kinetics of unblanched and blanched parsley were found.

TitleThe analysis of microwaves drying of parsley in conditions of low pressure. Part II. The shrinkage during drying and rehydration of dried material
AutorKlaudiusz Jałoszyński, Eugeniusz Kamiński, Marian Szarycz, Anna Szponarska
Keywordsshrinkage, rehydration, parsley
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The analysis of shrinkage and rehydration of parsley were presented. It was found that shrinkage as a result of microwave vacuum drying is smaller than after air-convection drying. The rehydration was described using empirical equations, and differences between first and last stage of process were observed. The stages of rehydration could be explain by character of drying-shrinkage.

TitleAnalysis of temperature in hay bales treated with liquid additive
AutorSylwester Borowski, Edmund Dulcet
Keywordsadditives, hay, additive application method, baler
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This study presents an analysis of temperature changes in hay bales either untreated and treated with 0.2% solution of lactic acid. Samples of hay of different moisture content and different specific density were used in this experiment. It was observed that the additive decreased the temperature of the hay and its stability was achieved in a shorter time. In the experiment, the lowest temperature was obtained for the specific density of hay γk = 99.7 kg m-3 (the lowest density).

TitleDiversity analysis of energetic potential of biomass with the application of the fuzzy sets theory
AutorMałgorzata Trojanowska
Keywordsrenewable energy, biomass, fuzzy sets
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In this paper a diversification of energetic potential of biomass in the areas of Malopolska voivodship was analised. For this purpose, 19 adminstrative districts of Malopolska voivoship were classified out according to the similarity in respect of energy amount from the combustion of straw and wood. To this classification elements of the fuzzy sets theory were applicated, because collected data about energetic potential of biomass didn’t let assigne univocally the administrative districts to specified clusters.

TitleCosts of planned technical services of new generation agricultural tractors
AutorZenon Grześ
Keywordsplanned technical service, technical survey, index of costs, agricultural tractors
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In this work we try executed analysises of the costs planned technical service new generation agricultural tractors. Based on this work was estimation of index planned technical service in relationship to actual prices agricultural tractors. Affirmed, that value of index costs technical survey carries from 2.17 to 4.08% independently of model researched tractors.

TitleTechnical and exploatation conditions of the exhaustes gases capacity generated by choosen vehickles of the personal transport
AutorMarek Borowiec, Piotr Szczęsny
Keywordsbus, smoke contamination, exhaust gases
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Smoke contamination there is the main problem of motorization impurites, which are caused by compression ignition engines. In the study there are presented results of the smoke contamination examinations in buses of the community communication, which were performed in the period October-November 2002. 163 buses were examined. Statistical calculations of the results were analysed in the field of the influence of the some exploitation factors on the level of smoke contamination in exhaust gases. The obtained results were compared to analogous measurements of smoke contamination in the period 1995–1996. More than 50% reduction of the smoke contaminations level in buses was observed in 2002 in comparison to 1995–1996 years. The result as above, is mainly effect of using in buses Ekodiesel Plus 50D fuel. As a result of the study, the authors stated, that all examined buses are correct with current standards of the smoke contamination.

TitleTechnical and economic study with prediction of energy consumption for heating of residential buildings in rural areas
AutorTomasz Szul, Małgorzata Trojanowska
Keywordsenergetical planing, heating of residential buildings
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The analysis of fuel and energy consumption for heating of residential buildings were presented in this paper. Especially indexes of seasonal heating demand in the investigated objects and theirs correlations with the year of construction or thermomodernisation were calculated out. On the ground of this analysis the model of specific heat consumption was worked out, in the useful shape for the local government to elaborate project of assumption for heat. The analysis of the structure of heat sources considering the sort of fuel and the age of heating installations, as well as the plans of building owners concerning building thermomodernizations and heating system modernizations were presented.

TitleA scheme for identification of continuous relaxation time spectrum of biological viscoelastic materials
AutorAnna Stankiewicz
Keywordsviscoelasticity, relaxation time spectrum, identification, Bessel modified functions
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The purpose of the paper is to investigate an algorithm for recovery of the continuous relaxation time spectrum of viscoelastic materials from time-measurements of linear relaxation modulus. A new identification scheme based on the least-squares approximation of relaxation modulus by finite serious of modified Bessel functions is proposed. The analysis of the scheme properties, in particular the convergence and model error analysis, as well as the numerical studies conducted indicates that the scheme proposed is an accuracy and easy implementable tool for recovery of the relaxation time spectra. The identification algorithm can be successfully applied to study the mechanical properties of highly hydrated plant materials subjected to various kinds of loading as well as different water solutions used in the food industry.