Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 3 (2) 2004
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TitleEffect of light color on the quality of tulips forcing by  +5° method
AutorMarek Jerzy, Anita Woźny
Keywordstulip bulbs, forcing, artificial light, light colour
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Four cultivars of tulips were forced in artificial light using fluorescent lamps TLD types, which emitted white, blue, red, yellow and green light. Quantum irradiance was determined on 12.5 and 25 µmol·m-2·s-1. Daylength was 6 and 12-hour respectively. Significant influence on the quality of tulips was observed under high quantum irradiance and long day. Tulips forced under red light have the highest shoots, the greatest weight and flowers. The blue light improved stems and leaves rigidity.

TitleThe influence of ripeness of scions and bud place on shoot on the quality of the obtained shrubs of two Rosa thea hybrida cultivars. Part I. Growth parameters of the obtained shrub roses
AutorJerzy Hetman, Marta Joanna Monder
KeywordsRosa thea hybrida, budding, quality, ripeness of scions
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Two cultivars of Rosa thea hybrida were budded on the thornless Rosa multiflora Thunb. rootstock. The buds were cut down from scions in different ripeness phase of shoots (the flower buds closed; outside petals slightly opened; the opened flower; right after falling petals, two weeks after falling petals) and from different places on the shoot (upper, middle, lower part). Shrubs developed on buds from scions of different ripeness of shoots characterize similar vigorour of growth in respect of height, weight and number of basal shoots. Shrubs developed on buds from upper part of scions were higher, had bigger weight and number of basal shoots.

TitleThe influence of ripeness of scions and bud place on shoot on the quality of the obtained shrubs of two Rosa thea hybrida cultivars. Part II. The quality of shrubs
AutorJerzy Hetman, Marta Joanna Monder
KeywordsRosa thea hybrida, quality, budding, ripeness of scions
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Two cultivars of Rosa thea hybrida were budded on the thornless Rosa multiflora Thunb. rootstock. The buds were cut down from scions in different ripeness phase of shoots (the flower buds closed; outside petals slightly opened; the opened flower; right after falling petals, two weeks after falling petals) and from different places on the shoot (upper, middle, lower part). Ripeness phase of shoots does not distinct influence on number of obtained shrubs and their quality. Good quality of shrubs were obtained when all buds from scions with outside petals slightly opened, with opened flower or right after petals fell were used. By budding the buds from upper part of the shoots the least number of shrubs was obtained, but with higher percentage of the first quality ones. Tested factors do not have any influence on the roots system.

TitlePathogenicity of Fusarium spp. to lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.)
AutorZofia Machowicz-Stefaniak, Ewa Zalewska
KeywordsMelissa officinalis L., Fusarium avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, pathogenicity test
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The aim of the present work was to determine the pathogenicity of Fusarium avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti isolates, obtained from various species of herbs, to lemon balm. Three different tests of pathogenicity were carried out. The effects of Fusarium spp. post-culture liquids and water suspension of conidia on germination of lemon balm schizocarps were studied in laboratory conditions. The effect of Fusarium spp. on shooting up and healthiness of seedlings was carried out in climatic chamber conditions using the method with infested soil. All the isolates of fungi species studied caused necrosis of shoots and roots, regardless of their origins. From among three methods of artificial infection used, the method with Fusarium spp. post-culture liquids secured a fast estimation of pathogenicity the fungi isolates to lemon balm. The studied isolates of Fusarium spp. were recognized as pathogenic to lemon balm on the base of positive results in pathogenicity tests and on the base of their earlier isolation from different organs: schizocarps, roots and the bases of stems, taken from the plantations of lemon balm.

TitleSupplementary lighting of pot chrysanthemums cultivated under low level of real insolation
AutorWłodzimierz Breś, Marek Jerzy, Piotr Pawlak
Keywordspot chrysanthemums, supplementary lighting, photoperiodic response
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Three cultivars of pot chrysanthemums (’Springfield’, ’Kodiak’ and ’Baton Rouge’) were supplementary illuminated with sodium lamps during November and December – 2 hours before sunset and 2 hours after sunset. Quantum irradiance was 60 μmol m-2 s-1. Illuminated plants flowered 36–52 days earlier. Quality of plants was improved.

TitleEffect of supplementary lighting on nutritional status of  chrysanthemums grown in the period of natural light deficit
AutorWłodzimierz Breś, Marek Jerzy, Piotr Pawlak
KeywordsKey words. Dendranthema grandiflora, pot chrysanthemums, supplementary assimilation lighting, plant analysis, macro and microelements
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The effect of supplementary assimilation lighting on macro and micronutritional status of pot chrysanthemums grown in the period of insolation deficit was examined. Three cultivars of pot chrysanthemums were used: ‘Baton Rouge’, ‘Kodiak’ and ‘Springfield’. During November and December, for four hours a day, only half of the plants were illuminated with supplementary sodium lamp. Light intensity was 5000 lx. The supplementary assimilation lighting significantly modified macro and micronutritional status of chrysanthemums. The influence of supplementary lighting on the nutrients content in the leaves was greater in case of the macroelements than microelements.

TitleSenescence of cut leaves of Zantedeschia aethiopica and Z. elliottiana. Part I. Chlorophyll degradation
AutorJulita Rabiza-Świder, Ewa Skutnik, Mariusz Wachowicz, Aleksandra J. Łukaszewska
Keywordschlorophyll degradation, cut leaves, florists’ green, gibberellic acid, benzyladenine, Zantedeschia aethiopica, Zantedeschia elliottiana
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Chlorophyll degradation occurring during leaf senescence in under control of plant hormones. Changes in the chlorophyll content and the effects of BA (benzyladenine) and GA3 (gibberellic acid) on this process were analyzed during senescence of cut leaves of Zantedeschia aethiopica Spr. and Zantedeschia elliottiana Engl., two species grown for the florists’ green. Both growth regulators were applied as 24  h pulse treatment: 0.25  mmol·dm-3 and 0.1 mmol·dm-3 for GA3 and BA, respectively. Gibberellic acid was more effective than benzyladenine in delaying senescence of both Zantedeschia species leaves by retarding chlorophyll loss. A standard preservative solution used to prolong longevity of cut flowers (8-HQC /citrate of hydroxyquinoline/ +2% S /sucrose/) radically accelerated chlorophyll loss of Z. aethiopica leaves but had no effect on pigment degradation in leaves of Z. elliottiana. However, in both species the preservative diminished the positive effect of GA3 treatment on final chlorophyll content.

TitleSenescence of cut leaves of Zantedeschia aethiopica AND Z. elliottiana. Part II. Free amino acids accumulation in relation to soluble protein content
AutorJulita Rabiza-Świder, Ewa Skutnik, Mariusz Wachowicz, Aleksandra J. Łukaszewska
KeywordsBenzyladenine, gibberellic acid, free amino acids, proteolysis, cut leaves, senescence, Zantedeschia aethiopica, Zantedeschia elliottiana
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Proteolysis and free amino acid accumulation occur during leaf senescence. As senescence is under control of plant hormones leaves of Zantedeschia aethiopica Spr. and Zantedeschia elliottiana Engl., two species grown for the florists’ green, were pulse treated 24 hours with solutions of benzyladenine or gibberellic acid (0.1 mmol∙dm-3 and 0.25 mmol∙dm-3, respectively) in order to delay senescence and to prolong their vase life. GA3 but not BA retarded proteolysis in both species. A standard preservative solution used to prolong the longevity of cut (8-HQC + 2% S; 8-hydroxyquinoline citrate + 2% sucrose) accelerated proteolysis in the Z. aethiopica leaves but had no effect on leaves of Z.   elliottiana. Soluble protein losses were accompanied by elevated levels of free amino acids, however, range of these increases did not correspond to decreases in protein contents. A massive accumulation of free amino acids occurred in the sugar-fed leaves of both species. Growth regulators somewhat limited free amino acid accumulation in leaves held in the preservative, BA being more effective in Z. elliottiana while GA3 in Z.   aethiopica.

TitleBacteria damaging the fruit of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) cultivated in south-east Poland
AutorEwa Król, Zofia Machowicz-Stefaniak, Ewa Zalewska
Keywordshazel-nuts, bacteria, pathogenic abilities
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The purpose of the present paper was to find oud about the population of bacteria collonizing hazel-nuts with black spotted symptoms of the pericarp and darkening and softening of the nucleus. Moreover, pathogenic abilities of the selected bacterial isolates towards these organs were estimated. The object of the studies conducted in the years 2000–2002 consisted of hazel-nuts, cultivar Hall’s Gigant, with the above mentioned symptoms, orginiating from commercial plantations in Motycz and Końskowola. The bacteria were isolated from diseased hazel-nuts each year, in June and August, and among the population obtained, 42 representative cultures were chosen, which were used in physiological, biochemical and pathogenicity tests. It was shown that 3 isolates of Erwinia spp., 4 isolates of Bacillus spp. and 3 of Pseudomonas fluorescens could damage the fruitsets and fruit of hazel. The effectiveness of infection was considerably higher after inoculation of young and injured organs. Erwinia spp. were recognized as a potential pathogen of hazel-nuts. It seems that pectinolytic isolates of Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens might be recognized as facultative parasites which have the abilities to damage hazel-nuts in favourable conditions.

TitleThe flowering and inflorescence qualities of the Lonas annua (L.) Vines et Druce cultivated for dry material in relation seedling time and norm of sowing
AutorKatarzyna Karczmarz, Halina Laskowska
KeywordsLonas annua, seedling time, norm of sowing, yield, quality
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Studies were carried out in the years 1998–2000 on the influence of the sowing date and standard on the yields and inflorescence quality of the annual (Lonas annua (L.) Vines et Druce). Seeds were sown in rows 25  cm apart directly into the ground over three different periods, on the following dates: 1st. period – May 4th, April 29th and 28th; 2nd. period – May 14th, 10th and 8th; 3rd. period – May 24th, 20th and 19th (sowing dates are given according to the sequence of consecutive study years). The seedlings were not thinned out. On each of the sowing dates planned, the following sowing standards were applied: 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120  g 100  m-2. After reaching harvest maturity (80% of the inflorescence on the plantation in full bloom, with inflorescence shoots of a red-brown colour), the plants were removed from the field. Of the sowing dates studied, the plants with the most abundant flowering (10.62 pieces) with the highest number of capitula in the inflorescence (18.49 pieces) were obtained from the earliest sowing date. The lowest sowing standard of 40  g 100m-2 influenced the inflorescence quantity most favourably. Plants from this combination showed a tendency towards the most abundant flowering.

TitleMultivariate analysis of breeding value and genetic divergence in blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) varieties detected by general combining ability effects
AutorPaweł Krajewski, Wiesław Mądry, Stanisław Pluta, Edward Żurawicz
Keywordsblackcurrant, diallel cross design, combining ability, MANOVA, canonical variate analysis (CVA)
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Multivariate characterization of breeding value and evaluation of genetic divergence in five blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) varieties are presented. In the study general combining ability effects (GCA) estimated over two years in a full-diallel cross design (Griffing’s method 1) for fruit yield per plant, yield-contributing traits and resistance traits have been elaborated. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) according to the fixed Griifing’s model and canonical variate analysis for GCA effects have been used. The suggested statistical approach delivers information for two known and commonly accepted criterions of successful selecting parents for crosses in breeding programs, both multivariate estimates of GCA effects of parents and their genetic distances, here based on multivariate GCA effects. GCA effects for fruit yield per plant, bush vigour, spring frost damage to flowers, infestation by white pine blister rust and powdery mildew had the largest discrimination power in multivariate GCA divergence of the parents. It was proved that the breeding value of potential parents regarding productivity attributes could be the predominant criterion of proper parents selecting for crosses in blackcurrant breeding. Genetic distance evaluated on the basis of multivariate GCA effects has not been a powerful predictor of progenies productivity. The paper is thought mainly as experimental, methodological study on effective using and usefulness of the suggested statistical procedure in researches for plant breeding purposes. The showed results could be also meaningful for blackcurrant breeding.

TitleThe estimation of the influence of the way of fertilization on the content of nitrogen in the leaves of apple trees
AutorTadeusz Olszewski, Waldemar Treder
Keywordsapple trees, nitrogen, fertigation, irrigation
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The aim of the experiment was to estimate the influence of the way of fertilization on the content of nitrogen in the leaves of apple trees. The experiments were conducted in the Experimental Orchard located in Dąbrowice on apple cultivars Gala and Jonagold grafted on rootstock M9, during a period of seven years (1993–1999). Two kinds of fertilizers were used, one with nitrogen only the other one was a complete fertilizer containing all macronutrients. The results of the experiment showed a significantly higher content of nitrogen in the leaves of the cultivar Gala. The nitrogen content in the leaves ‘Jonagold’ and ‘Gala’ was influenced mainly by the age and level of yield of trees and meteorological conditions.

TitleEffect of boron fertilization on vigor, yielding and fruit quality of ‘Jersey’ highbush blueberry
AutorPaweł Wójcik
Keywordshighbush blueberry, boron, soil application, foliar application
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The aim of the study was to examine response of ‘Jersey’ highbush blueberry to boron (B) fertilization. The experiment was carried out in 2002-2003 at a private plantation in Central Poland on mature blueberries planted on a sandy loam soil with pH 4.1, low organic matter status, and medium available B content. Blueberries were supplied with B by foliar applications or broadcasting. Foliar B sprays were done in the spring or the fall. Spring B sprays were performed at the beginning of blooming, at petal fall, and 3 and 6 weeks after the ending of flowering. In each spring spray treatment, B was used at a rate of 0.2 kg ha-1. Fall B spray was done 5 weeks after fruit harvest using 0.8 kg B ha-1. Soil B was applied at the stage of bud break at a rate of 2 kg ha-1. Blueberries unfertilized with B served as control. The results showed that soil B application and spring B sprays increased B status in flowers and leaves. However, B fertilization, regardless of application mode, had no effect on plant vigor, the number of flowers per cane, fruit set, mean fruit weight, berry firmness, and yielding. Berries of blueberries sprayed with B in the spring had increased soluble solids concentrations. It is concluded that: (i) B fertilizer requirements of ‘Jersey’ highbush blueberry are low, and (ii) at hot water extractable B concentration in a soil below 0.37 mg kg-1 and/or at B status in leaves of current season shoots below 37 mg kg-1, spring B sprays should be applied in blueberry culture to increase soluble solids concentration in fruit.

TitleThe mineral nitrogen content in the soil of an apple orchard in relation to the soil treatment applied
AutorElżbieta Jolanta Bielińska, Agnieszka Głowacka
Keywordsorchard, soil treatment method, mineral nitrogen
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A three-year research study (2000–2002) was carried out in a young apple orchard originally founded on typical podzolic soil in 1997. The following methods for treating the soil among the rows of trees were considered: herbicide fallow maintained with glifosat; mulching with black polyethylene foil; mulching with a layer of wheat straw with a thickness of about 15 cm and mechanical fallow maintained by means of mechanical hoeing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of the various methods applied in treating the soil in the young apple orchard on the content of the mineral nitrogen forms, i.e. N-NH4+ and N-NO3- within the soil various methods of soil treatment applied in the young apple orchard on the content of mineral nitrogen forms, i.e. N-NH4+ and N-NO3- in the soil. It was shown that the method of treating the soil was a decisive factor in influencing the content of the mineral nitrogen forms in the soil. The soil maintained as herbicidal or mechanical fallow contained significantly more N-NH4+ and N-NO3- than did the soil covered with the mulch. The biochemical reactions catalysed by enzymes were, to a high extent, decisive for the content of the mineral nitrogen forms in the soil.

TitleMineral element content in the leaves of rootstocks used for pears and of maiden trees budded on them
AutorJacek Lewko, Andrzej Sadowski, Kazimierz Ścibisz
Keywordspear, quince, rootstock, leaf mineral content, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus
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Six types of rootstocks were planted at Warsaw-Wilanow, Central Poland in spring 2002: three originated from Pyrus communis – Caucasian pear seedlings, OHxF  333 and 'Pyrodwarf' and three from Cydonia oblonga – quinces S1, MA and MC. In August they were budded with Conference and Erika pear cultivars. Mid-shoot leaves, taken at the end of August from rootstocks (in 2002) and from maidens budded on them (in 2003) were analysed for Ca, Mg, P and K content. Rootstocks differed significantly in the content of all mineral elements studied. They also affected the leaf mineral composition of maiden trees budded on them. The leaf Ca, P and K content depended on cultivar as well. A significant interaction of rootstock × cultivar on the leaf P and K content in maiden tree leaves was also noted. It has been suggested that the information about a specific abilities of rootstocks to absorb particular nutrients may serve as an additional indicator in selection of optimal rootstock for certain soil conditions.

TitleGrowth, cropping and leaf n content in ‘Jonagored’ apple trees depending on nitrogen fertilisation in autumn and rootstock
AutorDariusz Wrona
Keywordsapple, nitrogen, fertilization, growth, yield, leaf N concentration
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The experiment was established in Warsaw-Wilanów in 2001. Jonagored apple trees on P 16 and P 22 rootstock planted in spring 1996, spaced 3.5 x 1.2 m were used. No differences in leaf N concentration were found in 2002 and 2003. Neither different N treatments or mode of N application had any marked effect on yield value or vegetative growth of trees. No significant response to autumn N feretilization was noted on fruit set and mean fruit weight either. Growth of trees and cropping depended on rootstock. Trees on P 22 showed a less vigorous growth, and yield per tree was lower in comparison with trees on P 16.

TitleCopper, zinc, manganese and iron concentrations in soils of  27 and 30-year-old apple tree orchards
AutorMirosław Kobierski
Keywordsmicroelements, orchard soils
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to estimate the long-term effect of orcharding utilization on the total content of Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe and their available forms in soils. For the investigation three apples tree orchards planted on the Cambisols from the Brda Valley Region were selected. The content of Cu and Zn in the humus horizon was much higher than in parent material due to the anthropogenic pollution. In the analyzed soils it was observed that, total Cu and Zn content and DTPA-extractable Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe was statistically positively correlated with the content of organic carbon. The content of DTPA-extractable Cu to the total content of Cu was high and reached up to 24,6% at the humus horizon. It was stated, that available forms of copper, manganese and iron was statistically positively correlated with the acid reaction. The total content of Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe did not exceed acceptable concentrations for uncontaminated soils.

TitleInfluence of biopreparations on growing and development of some pathogenic fungi
AutorAlina Pastucha, Elżbieta Patkowska, Danuta Pięta
Keywordsbiopreparations, Biochikol 020 PC, Biosept 33SL, Polyversum, pathogenic fungi
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The subject of the studies concerred pathogenic fungi (Alternaria alternata 17, Ascochyta pisi 31, Botrytis cinerea 19, Fusarium culmorum 44, F. oxysporum f. sp. glycines 37, F. oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli 51, F. oxysporum f. sp. pisi 33, Fusarium solani 25, Phoma exigua var. exigua 11, Pythium irregulare 34, Rhizoctonia solani 64, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 15) and bio-preparations, i. e. Biosept 33 SL, Biochikol 020 PC, Polyversum as well as Zaprawa Oxafun T. The studies were conducted in in vitro conditions, considering 6 repetitions (dishes) for each experimental combinations. After 10 days the diameter of the fungus colonies’ growth was measured and morphological changes in the appearance of fungi cultures were observed. Addition of a medium of bio-preparations and Zaprawa Oxafun T caused inhibition of the growth and development of pathogenic fungi. The most effective preparation which inhibited the growth of the colonies was Biosept 33 SL. Biopreparations as well as Zaprawa Oxafun T caused inhibition of the formation of air mycelium, sporules and sclerotia.

TitleNutritional status and quality of ‘Š ampion’ apples depending on rootstock
AutorJanusz Andziak, Romuald Dziuban, Andrzej Sadowski, Kazimierz Tomala
Keywordsapple, rootstock, calcium, potassium, bitter pit
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In the years 1998–2001 samples of leaves, fruitlets and fruits of ‘Š ampion’ were taken from trees on six rootstocks (M.9 EMLA, M.9 T337, M.9 T339, P 22, Nr 47 and P 14). They were analysed for potassium and calcium content. For evaluation of storage ability, 24 kg fruits of uniform size were taken from each replication. After 5 months in common cold storage the incidence of diseases and disorders were determined. Leaf Ca concentration was the highest from trees on M.9 T337 rootstock. Fruitlets and fruits from trees on P 14 generally had a high K concentration. On the other hand, fruits from trees on M.9 T337 and P 22 generally had a low K concentration. Rootstocks affected storability of apples and this was related to the effect of rootstocks on fruit K:Ca ratio. Bitter pit was determined in 66% by K and in 5% by Ca concentration in the fruits. The K:Ca ratio in fruit was the factor determining bitter pit in 83 percent. The results suggest that the K:Ca ratio, irrespective of the organ analysed, may be used for further improvement of bitter pit prediction.

TitleEffect of some supplements added to cultivation medium on fruit bodies quality of Lentinula edodes
AutorJanusz Kalbarczyk
KeywordsLentinus edodes, substrate, yield, size of basidiome
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The forest muschroom Lentinula edodes (Berg.) Sing. is the second most important cultivated muschroom worldwide. Lentinus edodes commonly known as the shii-take muschroom, is a white rot wood decay fungus that naturally inhabitas the dead wood of many hardwood tree species in Asia. The researches carried out on the following Lentinus endodes varieties: BRZ, M6, 567 have shown that the addition of ground: soybean, flax or rape to a standard basis had a considerable influence on the outgrowing of mycelium in the basis. Shortening of the mycelium’s outgrowth time had an influence on the external features of obtained fruiting bodies, as well as on their size and shape. Biological features of each variety also had a considerable influence on the quality and height of the obtained yield. Three experiments were performed to determine the effect of selected substrated on muschroom yield and basidiome size of shii-take when grown on a syntehetic substrate.

TitleThe effect of forecrops on the strawberry yielding
AutorDorota Pawłowska, Justyna Wieniarska, Ewa Żmuda
Keywordsstrawberry, forecrops, yield
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The study was conducted from1998 to 2003 on Experimental Field in Felin. The two identical field experiments were conducted: the first – in the years 1998–2002 and the second – in the years 1999–2003. The objective of these studies was to estimate the influence the kind of forecrops on the qantit of yield of two strawberry cultivars: Senga Sengana and Kent. No nutrition was done before as well as during the studies. The forecrops were sowed in the sring in 1998 (in the first study) and in 1999 (in the second study). The mass of above – ground part of plants and the mass of post – harvest remainers, as well as their nutrition quality, were determined before plowing the forecrops. The best nutrition quality had marigold, providing soil with 150.2 kg of nitrogen, 22.4 kg of phosphorus, 225.1 kg of potassium, 39.9 kg of calcium and 16.6 kg of magnesium (in  acounting per hectare). All used forecrops had beneficial influence on strawberry plants yielding in comparison to the clean cultivation (control treatment). However, the best results were obtained using the rye, marigold and subterraean clover as the forecrop. For ‘Senga Sengana’ the total yield from 4 years per one plot (with 24 plants) rangeded from 35.85 kg (clean cultivation) to 41.51 kg (after rye), which equated per hectare from 66.4 and 77.6 tons, respectively. In the case of ‘Kent’ the total yield for this period ranged from 37.51 kg (clean cultivation) to 45.85 kg (after marigold), which equated per hectare from 69.5 and 84.9 tons, respectively. The best yield of ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Kent’ was produced in the second year of cultivation, which ranged from 17.34 kg per plot (clean cultivation) to 19.75 kg (after rye) and 17.15 (after common bean) to 23.52 kg (after marigold). In the third and fourth year of cultivation the yields of ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Kent’ decreased, on average by 30.5; 65.8% and 34.4; 68.9%, respectively.

TitleEffect of nitrogen fertilization on the content of mineral components in soil, leaves and fruits of ’Š ampion’ apple trees
AutorEugeniusz Pacholak, Marcin Zachwieja, Zofia Zydlik
Keywordsnitrogen fertilization, mineral contents, soil, leaves, fruits
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The experiment was carried out in the Experimental Orchard Przybroda of the Department of Pomology, Poznań Agricultural University in the years 2001–2003. Trees of ‘Š ampion’ on M.9 rootstock were planted in the spring 1994 on virus-free rootstock EMLA 9 at spacing of 3.5 × 1 m (2  857 trees per ha) on grey-brown sandy loam podsolic soil. The experiment included the following 5 treatments of nitrogen fertilization: 1. N0 – control; 2. N5 – 5 g  N·m-2, applied once in early spring; 3. N10 – 10  g  N·m-2 applied once in early spring; 4. N5+5 – 5  g  N·m-2 in spring + 5 g  N·m-2 at the end of May; 5. N5herb – 5  g  N·m-2 in early spring, within the herbicide strip only. Nitrogen fertilization had a  significant effect on changes in the assimilable elements in soil. It exerted an effect on the decrease of assimilable potassium in the arable and subarable layer and an increase of assimilable magnesium improving the K  :   Mg ratio. A smaller effect was found in the changes of assimilable phosphorus content and in soil reaction. Nitrogen fertilization had an effect on the increase of total nitrogen content in leaves and it decreased the content of phosphorus. The content of assimilable components in soil was not correlated with the content of general components in leaves. The content of mineral components in fruits was closely correlated with the component content in leaves. Climatic conditions, and particularly the absence of atmospheric precipitations and the increase of temperature, as well as the aging of trees contributed to the decrease of the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium and to the increase of calcium content.

TitleSenescence of cut leaves of Zantedeschia aethiopica and Z. elliottiana. Part III. The reducing sugars content
AutorJulita Rabiza-Świder, Ewa Skutnik, Mariusz Wachowicz, Alexandra J. Łukaszewska
Keywordsreducing sugars, cut leaves, florists’ green, gibberellic acid, benzyladenine, Zantedeschia aethiopica, Zantedeschia elliottiana
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Cut leaves of Zantedeschia aethiopica and Z. elliottiana are widely used as the florists’green. Over the years we studied the parameters related to postharvest quality of leaves in the two above species. Here the effect of plant hormones known to delay leaf senescence (benzyladenine and gibberellic acid) and of the standard preservative solution (8-HQC + 2% sucrose) on the reducing sugars contents is presented. BA (0.1 mmol·dm-3) and GA3 (0.25 mmol·dm-3) were applied as 24  h pulse treatments. Pulsed and unpulsed leaves were kept either in water or in the preservative. In both species contents of reducing sugars during their senescence in vases initially rose and then dropped to 60–80% of the initial levels. Pretreatment with BA did not counteract a decrease in reducing sugar contents while in the GA3-treated leaves sugar loss was prevented in Z. aethiopica and a  20% increase occurred in Z. elliottiana. Placing leaves in the sugar containing solution provoked a dramatic loss of reducing sugars in Z. aethiopica (to 12% of the initial level) while in Z. elliottiana this loss was less pronounced (52% of the initial value). Cytokinin did not mitigate the negative effect of the preservative on reducing sugar losses while GA3 was more effective in this respect. Results of analyses do not support hypothesis that sugar depletion might be a cause of senescence of detached leaves in the two Zantedeschia species.

TitleThe influence of auxins on the rooting of microcuttings and acclimatization of plants of Columnea hirta Klotzsch et Hanst. Part I. In in vitro culture
AutorDanuta Kozak, Alicja Świstowska
Keywordsauxin, rooting in vitro, Columnea hirta
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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of auxins and different their concentrations on rooting of Columnea hirta Klotzsch et Hanst. shoots in vitro. Shoots obtained from aseptically grown shoot clusters were cultured 3 weeks on Murashige and Skoog agar medium (MS) supplemented with: IAA, IBA or NAA in various concentrations: 5, 10, 20, 40 µM. Control cultures were incubated on MS medium devoid of any plant growth regulators. It was observed the significant influence of auxins on the growth of shoots, and the induction of roots. Microcuttings with the highest number of roots (11.24) were obtained on the media with 10 µM IBA, where mean length of root was 5.93 mm. The best elongation of roots was observed on the medium with 5 µM NAA (11.32 mm), but NAA caused regeneration of callus tissue at the base of shoots. Shoots presented the best growth and multiplication potential on the medium containing 10 µM IAA.

TitleThe influence of auxins on the rooting of microcuttings and acclimatization of plants of Columnea hirta Klotzsch et Hanst. Part II. The consequent influence in the greenhouse cultivation
AutorJerzy Hetman, Alicja Świstowska
KeywordsColumnea hirta, IAA, IBA, NAA, rooting in vitro, consequent influence of auxins
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The aim of this study was to investigate of the consequent influence of auxins: IAA, IBA, NAA, used in the medium in vitro in the concentrations: 5, 10, 20, 40 µM, on the growth and development of Columnea hirta plants in the greenhouse. Microcuttings were planted in the sphagnum peat and coconut fibre. The planting was compared in two terms: spring and summer. Auxins used for the rooting of shoots in tissue culture had an influence on the capability for acclimatization and development of the microcuttings. The best quality of plants was observed when microcuttings were rooted in vitro on the medium containing 20 µM IBA, and then were cultured in the sphagnum peat during spring season.