Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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(Ekonomia) 1 (1-2) 2002
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TitleThe role of management in on edge of XXI century
AutorBarbara Gołębiewska, Bogdan Klepacki
Keywordsmanagement, Human Resources Management (HRM), motivation, staff evaluation.
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In the paper has been presented the rule of management in economic and civilization development on the level of microeconomics in separate enterprises or organization as well as macroeconomic - whole society. There was made the analysis in tendency of change in management, in development of theory organization and management and the challenge for management on edge of XXI century.

TitleUnemployment level in Poland and its negative impact
AutorLech Pałasz
Keywordsunemployment level, poverty grup, Poland.
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The main goal of the paper is to present the changes and trends in the level of unemployment in Poland and its trends. Additional goal is connected with description of its negative impact. The statistical sources of analysis were data from the Main Statistical Office (GUS) with the period 1990-2001, as well as public opinion researches, references and direct interviews with unemployed. Practical conclusions ending the article.

TitleRural areas development problems (dilaema) in theory and practice
AutorJanina Sawicka
Keywordsrural areas, multifunctional development, regional policy.
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Polish economy nowadays, subjects to the threefold restructuring: globalisation, transformation process to the market ruls and as a preacession country must adopt to the European Union goals and institutions. The paper presents theoretical as well as practical aspects of rural development in Poland. Discussion on theory contains definitions of rural areas, their multifunctional and rural entrepreneurship development. Barriers and limitations to rural areas development and the assistans of public means supporting rural area development, were discussed.

TitleThe integration of the Polish agriculture with the EU in opinion of farmers from the Małopolska province
AutorBarbara Kachel
KeywordsIntegration of agriculture, Common Agricultural Policy, advantages and threats.
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Summary. The integration of the Polish agriculture with the EU in opinion of farmers from the Małopolska province. The aim of the paper is to present the actual state of knowledge on integration of Polish agriculture with the European community prepared on the basis of questionnaire studies. The article also deals with economy of investigated farms and presents the opinions of farmers concerning advantages, threats and anxieties appearing from the future accession and from the necessary adjustments to the requirements of the EU. The farmers’ moods are rather pessimistic, they feel misinformed and generally are against the integration.

TitleEconomic and organisational problems of plant protection in orchards with integrated fruit production
AutorMaria Golinowska
Keywordsintegrated fruit production, apples, orchards, plant protection.
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Summary. The Integrated Fruit Production (IPO) in the orchards of the southwestern Poland was introduced in 1994. The number of fruit-growers obtaining certificates of apple production by the IPO method was systematically growing. The method is consumer- and environment-friendly. The research has shown that introducing this system of fruit production brought about a decrease in the pesticide (especially insecticide) usage by 50% as well as a decrease in the frequency of chemical treatments by half. All the fruit-growers running the integrated fruit production were volunteers and received instruction on courses organized by the Institute of Fruit and Flower Production in Skierniewice. The fruit produced by means of the IFP method are more difficult to sell, while their sales depend to a large extent on the fruit-growers’ invention and marketing skills.

TitleOpportunities and threats in fruit production in opinion of orchardmen of subregions: krakowski, nowosądecki, tarnobrzeski
AutorMarta Domagalska-Grędys
Keywordscompetition, opportunities and threats, market of fruits.
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New situation on the fruit market requires restructurisation of production and change of the present strategy of the orchard development in the next years. The reason of research was to recognize opinions of producers in the subject of opportunities and threats in production of fruits on the area of three subregions in south-eastern of Poland: Krakow, Nowy Sącz and Tarnobrzeg. The opinions of the fruit producers were very differentiated which announce change of production orientation from industrial fruits to deserts fruits.

TitleNutrition consumption standards in European Union countries and Poland in the period 1990-2000
AutorAgnieszka Borowska
Keywordsconsumption of food, nutrition consumption standards, expenditure on food.
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The paper discusses the changes in the consumption of some basic products of the plant and animal origin in European Union and in Poland in the period of 1990-2000. The patterns of food consumption in EU were analysed. The classification of patterns was worked out on the basis of differences and similarities to the EU’s consumption. Some elements having impact on the consumption in Poland in the nineties, during the period of Polish negotiations with EU were also discussed.

TitleEquipment in goods of permanent use in Polish one-man household in years 1993-2000
AutorWojciech Pizło
Keywordsone-man household, household equipment.
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The paper discusses the functions performed by households such as reproduction, motivation and infrastructure. The main object was to highlight some changes in the equipment of the goods of permanent use within one-man households in Poland in the period of 1993-2000. One characterised changes in the equipment in three groups of permanent goods labour - saving, domestics for entertainment and getting information and those connected with mobility.

TitleConditions of Polish consumers shopping behavior - the results of research
AutorIwona Kowalczuk, Krystyna Żelazna
Keywordsretailing, consumer, shopping behavior.
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The article presents the results of a questionnaire research concerning conditions of shopping behavior of Polish consumers carried out in 2002. The analysis of shopping behavior of searched sample of respondents includes among others: conditions of retail outlets choice, specific features of consumers behavior during everyday and periodical shopping, respondents attitude towards doing shopping of Sundays and their preferences as far as chosen kinds of merchandising activities.

TitleEconomic and technical analysis of possibility of use solid biofuel in Poland
AutorSławomir Konieczny
Keywordsrenewable raw materials, biomass, straw, wood, agribusiness.
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There are a lot of advantages of using solid biofuels as a source of energy. So that there is a strong need of its development. There are many social, economic, agricultural and ecological factors that affect development of solid biofuels industry. Using biofuels is a great chance for some local communities and agribusiness. The biofuels’ development can create new employment possibilities and some additional incomes from planting energetistic plants. Using biofuels can also reduce costs of some investments in Poland. A straw as a biofuel source can guarantee the best efficiency and the lowest technological requirements.

TitleThe project aiming at sustainable development of the protected area in the Imielno Commune
AutorŁukasz Popławski
Keywordssustainable development, protected area, landscape park, rural areas.
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The paper provides the project to launch a few initiatives supporting the sustainable development of the protected area in the Imielno Commune located in the Nadnidziański Landscape Park, the Świętokrzyski administrative region. The Nadni-dziański Landscape Park boasts numerous natural assets which are used only in a very limited way. As the environmental conditions of this area are protected by law, the economic activity should be as favourable to the environment as possible in order to preserve it for posterity. A comprehensive and long-term strategy is indispensable to achieve this aim, therefore the sustainable development of this protected area should be supported because it combines the multifunctional development of rural areas with the protection of the environment. The project cannot be implemented without the support of the local community. The presented project is based on the statistic data and the author’s own field research carried out from 1998 to 2002 and its primary aim to fulfil is the sustainable development in the protected area which will respect the protection of the environment.

TitleSocio-economic aspects of agrotourism activites (warmińsko-mazurskie voivodoship case study)
AutorMarzena Długokęcka
Keywordsagrotourism, entrepreneurship, rural areas.
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Agrotourism should take advantage of its values consisting of natural landscape, natural wealth, traditional buildings and communities while tourist products using these rural environment’s elements should secure its protection and development. The community of Pisz in Kruklanki distinguishes with natural and environmental values. It is essential for agrotourism functions development. Tourism helps to develop various kinds of business activities such as establishing hotel facilities, recreational and sports infrastructure and catering services. It may also help to increase incomes of the residents, limit unemployment and enrich the regional offer for the potential investors.

TitleConceptions of farmer’s early retirements in EU countries and in Poland as the instrument of the agrarian structure improvement and accelerations of the exchange of generations
AutorMarcin Orlewski, Bożena Tańska-Hus
Keywordsthe agrarian pension, the structural pension, the Common Rural Policy, the early retirement in agriculture.
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In context of the accession Poland must follow a process of the agriculture adjustment and of the agrarian legislation to the principles of the community rural policy. The one from standards of the acceptance to EU is the improvement of agriculture space structure according to the Council Directive No. 159 of 19 April 1972 in re of the improvement of area structure and the Council Regulation No. 797 of 12 March 1985 in re of the improvement of agrarian structure efficiency. The important instrument of the rural policy in a sphere of the agrarian transformations is initialing from 1 January 2002, with the Act of 26 April 2001 about structural pensions in the agriculture, the system of structural early retirements, which is leaning on the Council Regulation No. 2079 of 30 June 1992 (at present displaced by the Council Regulation No. 1257/99) with enactive the program of the financial assistance for trippant on the early retirement in agriculture.

TitleEarly retirement in the process of integration of Polish agriculture into the European Union
AutorElżbieta Tomkiewicz
Keywordsagriculture, early retirement, law regulations.
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The Polish law of 26 April 2001 on early retirement in agriculture that has recently entered into force is based on the Council Regulation 1257/99 regarding support development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund. However, in spite of far reaching parallelism between the two legal acts, the Polish law does not entirely follow the EU model. The paper presents primary elements of the Polish law and compares them to the Council Regulation, pointing out to reasons of divergence between the two legal acts. The paper presents in details conditions that need to fulfilled by farmers who hand over their farms in order to become eligible to early retirement, as well as conditions that need to be fulfilled by ones who takes such farm. It also describes principles of financing of early retirement according to the Polish law and according to the Community law. The comparative analysis of the two legal acts leads to the conclusion that the Polish law is in many areas much more restrictive than the Community law, as it was the Polish legislators’s intention that early retirement should first of all stimulate desirable structural changes in Polish agriculture.

TitleStructural transformation of the Polish state agriculture sector in the Lower Silesia region after 1991
AutorKrystian Ogły, Sylwester Wawrzyniak
Keywordsagriculture, Lower Silesia, transformations, sale, lease.
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Structural changes in the agriculture of Poland were triggered by a difficult situation of the state-owned farms in the late eighties. The crucial factor of changes in the agrarian structure of Lower Silesia in the period of 1992-2000 was a land lease. There were also other important factors like a sale of the land or other forms of land’s allocation. Due to the restructuring there was a significant growth of the acreage in the individual farmers’ sector. Within 2000, 91.26% of land owned by a local APA section in Wrocław were allocated and 8.74% still needs to be allocated.

TitleSpecial diversity of the rural areas regarding their infrastructural outfit
AutorIrena Kropsz
KeywordsLower Silesia, village, infrastructure, diversification, valorization.
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The rural areas in Poland are very diverse. There are those wealthier ones, more advanced in the process of its transformation and, on the other hand there are some poor regions which remain significantly underdeveloped. Even within one voivodship a lot of differences can be observed and moreover, there are many differences even among one community. This paper discusses the level of equipment of basic technical, social and economic elements in the chosen communities in Lower Silesia region. The statistical method of point valorization was used in the analyse in order to highlight differences among communities and among villages within one community.

TitleInternet use by Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in their business activities
AutorKrzysztof Kandefer
KeywordsInternet, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), electronic commerce.
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Internet is an element of technical infrastructure. It is also more universal medium than radio, television or newspapers. Observing global trends we can conclude that the Internet will play a significant social and economic role. In Poland we can also observe very dynamic development of this new medium. We can expect that in one or two years each Polish firm using computer will recon the access to the Internet as necessity. It will allow them to use all Internet services and to promote their products. Enterprises located in cities, with better market opportunities use the Internet more often. Enterprises in rural areas should intensify their work on better access to the Internet. Assistance programs offered by government and EU countries would be also helpful to achieve wider use of the Internet.

TitleUtilization of financial analysis in management of large-acreage farm in years 1996-1999
AutorJan Spiak
Keywordslarge acreage farm, economic analysis, financial situation, property situation, management.
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Moved investigation in large-acreage farm being one-man company AWRSP in years 1996-1999 dust on aim qualification of financial situation and property’s enterprise. Utilization of method of economic analysis in range of opinion of changes of structure of production, efficiencies of factors of production and financial efficiencies permitted onto looking for relationships reason - consecutive got results. Results of investigations confirmed, that at small changes in structure production and decrease of coefficients of efficiency of factors of production, worsen of ability stepped out to generating he carried out profit, which in 1999 year 50 zl/ha of agricultural uses. Realization of conservative strategy in productive activity caused limitations of size of money stream from operating activity also.

TitleFoodstuffs labelling as an instrument of marketing and food safety assurance
AutorAnna Jasiulewicz
Keywordslabelling, food safety, consumer, marketing quality, brand.
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Consumers research held in the year 2001 allowed for determination of the foodstuffs labelling importance as an instrument of marketing and food safety assurance. The role of labelling in consumers purchase decisions and the degree of knowledge of marks placed on the packaging among the consumers were estimated. It was found that label is an important element of packaging in consumers opinion and influences their purchase decisions, and also that the knowledge of informative marks is not sufficient.

TitleThe illegal financial turnover in Poland in the opinion of workers of banking sector
AutorWłodzimierz Deluga
Keywordsillegal turnover, unknown source of money, consequences for the economy, financial offence, illegal incomes.
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The article illustrates the attitude of banking system personnel to the illegal turnover of money coming from unknown sources. The analysis of data obtained from the research as well as presented assessments show distinctly the necessity to make constantly observations and to submit suggestions and regulations rebating to the fight against this problem, particularly in relation to the influence that it has on the economies of the countries entangled in that trade.