Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 8 (2) 2009     ISSN: 1644-0741
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TitleConcepts of real estate value
AutorSabina Źróbek
Keywordsreal estate, concepts of value, valuation standards
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There are many categories of value that can be found both in theory and practice. The necessity to define them clearly arose not only within particular countries, but also in the international arena. Most activities connected with the real estate market require not only the knowledge of value, but also proper understanding the concept of this value. In this article concepts of market value and few values other than market value (individual, fair, for forced sale and mortgage-lending) have been compared.

TitleSpatial structure valuation with normalized land revelance indicators
AutorUrszula Litwin, Paweł Zawora
Keywordsattributes creating the value, landscape valuation, development of rural mountain
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The aim of the study was to extend the WIT model (land revelance indicators) by a normalization all of comparable values and the addition of two additional sets of weights associated with the extra-experts activity. It enabled creation of ZWIT indicators (normalized land revelance indicators), receiving less flat values from original WIT adopted in the model base. The analysis of ZWIT indicators you can see that in the investigated area:
  • conditions for land cultivation are generally difficult, only a few villages in the municipality of Mszana Dolna have a high value of agricultural indicators, which predestine them to developed area in this scope;
  • conditions for hiking and recreation are relatively good, especially in several villages lying in Gorczański Park Narodowy, either in its lag;
  • conditions for non-agricultural activities are fairly good, except for a few villages of the municipality of Dobra, which are little-populated and lie away from the main traffic routes;
  • weak possibilities of balanced growth for several villages lying on rural municipalities of Dobra, for whcih ZWIT(S) is not reached value of 40.

TitleThe attributes forming housing prices on example of city Olsztyn
AutorJan Kuryj, Oksana Kuryj
Keywordsreal estate market, flat, attributes of real estate, statistical analyses
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The realization of the effective market economy requires the knowledge of mechanisms and attributes which directly or indirectly influence on real estate prices. The knowledge of individual laws and features of the property market the state the basis to undertaking the various decisions connected with the management and trade the real estate. The paper deals with theoretical base of property market functioning as well as analyses of the segment of the local market including flats on the area of city Olsztyn. In the study authors define attributes which have a real influence on the price of flats and estimate their influence on number of transaction.

TitleEconometric modeling in real estate management planning
AutorRadosław Wiśniewski
Keywordseconomic model, forecasting, simulations, plan of use real estate resource
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Real estate management processes in Poland rely on market forecasts as part of the real estate management system. The study focuses on the methodological assumptions underlying models of market phenomena that will be used in the simulation and forecasting process for the purpose of drawing up real estate management plans. The obtained results provided a basis for developing general models regarding: the release of real estate from the local assets and the inclusion of new real estate in the local assets, expenditures related to the release of real estate from the local assets and to the inclusion of new real estate in the local assets, revenues generated in virtue of perpetual usufruct fees and perpetual management fees charged on land property, updates of perpetual usufruct fees and perpetual management fees charged on land property.