Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 8 (3) 2009     ISSN: 1644-0741
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TitleSubjectivity of regions against regional policy and development. Polish and european contexts
AutorWaldemar W. Budner
Keywordsregional development, regional policy, subjectivity of regions
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Regions have become subjects of policy. In consequence the significance of regional dimension of economy has increased. The article sets the relations between regional configuration and the national economy. Against that background the change in approach to the regional policy and regions’ development is described and its main objectives and priorities are emphasized. The theme of the study in the first place is the changes undergoing in Poland but also those in the EU. One of the basic questions in regional policy is: does the policy aimed at the development of all regions (regardless of the level of their economic competitiveness, developing problems and spatial features) contribute to equalization of interregional differences and thus to the development of the whole country.

TitleTe revitalisation of downtown in Olsztyn in aspect of local revitalisation program
AutorAnna Cellmer, Ryszard Źróbek
Keywordsrevitalization, the city, delimitation, revitalization program, data system
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Revitalization of urban areas, is the essential problem in the union policy of the sustainable urban development. It refers mostly to degraded periphery areas of many cities and also their centers. On the example of Olsztyn it is represented the main directions and rules of revitalization the area of the downtown in this city. This is one from seven appointed areas in the Local Revitalization Programme of the City on years 2007–2013 to detailed researches.

TitleAternative procedure determining balance coefficients of land attributes in the process of determining land function
AutorAndrzej Biłozor, Małgorzata Renigier-Biłozor
Keywordsrough set theory, value tolerance relation, balance coefficient of real estate attributes, attributes influence on the land use function
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This paper discusses the methodology for determining the effect that real estate attributes have on the decision problem. To analysis used of a set of real estate transactions from olsztyński real estate land market and examined the effect that real estate attributes have on the selection of the appropriate land use function The significance of each real estate attribute was assessed with the use of the rough set theory combined with the value tolerance relation on fuzzy logic based. The applied procedure for determining the effect that real estate attributes have on the selection of the appropriate land use function (and property valuation), based on the rough set theory and fuzzy logic, poses an alternative to statistical analyses common deployed in real estate market analysis.

TitleAgricultural land valuation with economical land revelance indicators
AutorUrszula Litwin, Paweł Zawora
Keywordsattributes creating the value, pricing of agricultural land, development of rural mountain
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The calculation of new gruop of indicators – EWIT (economical land revelance indicators) allowed fix of model indicators, which could be use in practice for calculating initial value of land on investigated area. EWIT indicators because of the possibility of their practical application had to be carefully examined in the light of correlation with the prices of agricultural land. There was identified EWIT(PE) indicator that can be used to calculate the initial value of the parcel. Parcels of agricultural land – increasing of prices of that sort of parcels is closely dependent on the not strictly agricultural activity background, which contributes heavily to the development of modern agriculture – these factors are: possibility of easy transport, the local machine workshops and a network of local shops.

TitleAnalysis of the impact of thermal-modernization processes on the market value of real estates in multi-family buildings
AutorMirosław Bełej, Piotr Gulmontowicz
Keywordsmarket value, valuation of real estates, thermal-modernization
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This article presents issues related to the processes and procedures in multi- -family building renovation in Poland. For a thermal-modernization process must be understood as an activity to raise energy efficiency by reducing the building heat loss and heat buildings, installations and increase the use of energy. The paper seeks to answer the question. Are savings from thermal-modernization into an increase in the market value of the dwelling, apartaments? As part of detailed studies, for example of dwellings, housing stock cooperatives “Pojezierze” in Olsztyn, Province Warmia and Mazury conducted an analysis of the impact of thermal-modernization the market value of real estates. We used analytical methods such as analysis of the market using the correlation matrix, and using multiple regression.

TitleThe specifics of managing school estate
AutorZbigniew Sujkowski
Keywordspublic real estate managment, institutional real estate, school
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In work were introduced the specific of management School Estates. It range of the manager’s competence school was described was as administrator of real estate in aspect of valid legal controls (the law the, executive acts, of decree). It the profile of school estate was executed was from regard structure object – functional, her users’ opinion and formed records in process management. The paper was showed the duties the pose pedagogical the manager of school in range the management. Got knowledge in future can the school estate be used to outsourcing of process the management by licensed managers of real estate.

TitleSelected problems of waste economy in Lodz in light of UE directives
AutorAgnieszka Kubacka
Keywordseconomics of wastes, communal economy, wastes management, industrial wastes
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Local waste management system is essential element of the total waste management system in the economy. The author undertakes into consideration basic problems of waste management problems on the local level. The local authority is the main institution which is able to improve essentially local waste economy. In conclusions author is proposing set of recommendations towards improvement of the local waste management system in the city of Lodz.