Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 9 (4) 2010
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TitleQuantitative relations between the content of selected trace elements in soil extracted with 0.03 M CH3COOH or 1 M HCL and its total concentration in carrot storage roots
AutorIwona Ledwożyw-Smoleń, Włodzimierz Sady, Sylwester Smoleń
Keywords0.03 M acetic acid, 1 M hydrochloric acid, trace elements, carrot
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There is an existing need for the development of rapid and easy-to-perform methods for analyzing chemical composition of soil basing on simultaneous extraction of many elements in a single solution. Furthermore, it is desirable that mineral concentration determined in soil using these methods should be significantly correlated with its content in plants. Many researches indicated that soil concentration of heavy metals and trace elements after extraction using 0.01 M CaCl2 did not reflect its content in vegetable plants.. The aim of the research was to determine the relation between soil content of: Al, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, V and Zn extracted in 0.03 M CH3COOH as well as 1 M HCl and its content in carrot storage roots. In 2008–2009 studies were carried out on soil samples after carrot cultivation (from 0–30 cm, 30–60 cm and 60–90 cm layers) as well as on carrot storage roots grown on the same soil site. In total, analysis of chemical composition (with respect to the content of tested elements) comprised: 112 samples of carrot storage roots, 112 soil samples from 0–30 cm layer as well as 48 soil samples from 30–60 cm and 60–90 cm layers. Higher applicability of soil extraction with 0.03 M CH3COOH (commonly used for macro element chlorides and boron determination) in comparison to extraction with 1 M HCl was demonstrated in reference to the estimation of the relation between soil and carrot content of: Al, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Li, Ni, Sr, Ti and Zn. Application of 1 M HCl gave relatively better results when compared to the extraction with 0.03 M CH3COOH with respect to calculated values of correlation coefficient for Co, Fe, Mn, Mo and Pb content in soil and carrot. Content of Co, Mo, Pb and V in soil after extraction using 0.03 M CH3COOH was below the limits of its detection using ICP-OES spectrometer. No relation was found between vanadium content in soil (analyzed after extraction with 1 M HCl) and its content in carrot storage roots.

TitleQuantitative relations between the content of selected trace elements in soil extracted with 0.03 M CH3COOH or 1 M HCL and its total concentration in lettuce and spinach
AutorIwona Ledwożyw-Smoleń, Włodzimierz Sady, Sylwester Smoleń
Keywords0.03 M acetic acid, 1 M hydrochloride acid, Rinkis method, trace elements
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Numeorus analytical methods have been developed for determination of micronutrients, heavy metals and trace elements in soil. However, rapid and easy-to-perform methods are still needed for chemical composition analysis of soil that would be based on simultaneous extraction of multiple elements. Furthermore, it would be beneficial if element concentration in soil using these methods were correlated with its concentration in plants. The aim of the study was to determine the interdependency between soil concentration of: Al, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, V and Zn extracted using 0.03 M CH3COOH or 1 M HCl and its content in spinach leaves and lettuce heads. In reference to Al, B, Ba, Cd, Mn, Ni and Zn level in spinach as well as Al, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Fe, Li and Ti accumulation in lettuce, higher values of correlation coefficients were calculated for soil and plant content of these elements after extraction with 0.03 M CH3COOH than 1 M HCl. In the case of: Cr, Cu, Fe, Li and Sr in spinach as well as Ni and Pb in lettuce, higher values of this parameter were found for 1 M HCl soil extraction when compared with the other tested method. No significant relation was found between Pb and Ti accumulation in spinach as well as Cu Mn, Sr or Zn content in lettuce and its level in soil irrespective of the extraction method (0.03 M CH3COOH or 1 M HCl).

TitleThe effect of non-woven PP fabric covers on the yielding and the fruit quality of field-grown sweet peppers
AutorŁucja Michalik
KeywordsCapsicum annuum L, cultivation, cultivar, organic compounds
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In recent years in Poland there has been an increasing interest in the field growing of sweet peepers, both among producers and consumers. Therefore, research should be conducted to select cultivars well adapted to less favorable temperature conditions and suitable for cultivation in the field, and to increase their yield. A field experiment was carried out in the years 2006–2008 in the Garden of the Research and Experimental Station of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn to determine the effect on plant cover on the yield and the content of dry matter and organic compounds in sweet pepper fruit. In comparison with the control treatment (without protective cover), the use of non-woven PP covers increased the marketable yield of sweet pepper cv. Iga, Lena and Mira, and it decreased the marketable yield of cv. Zorza. Sweet pepper fruit in the control treatment had the highest average dry matter content. The use of non-woven PP covers contributed to dry matter accumulation only in the fruit of cv. Zorza. The fruit of sweet pepper plants grown without protective cover contained greater amounts of L-ascorbic acid. Non-woven PP covers had no effect on the concentrations of total and reducing sugars, which were highest (subject to cultivar and cultivation method) in 2007.

TitleVitroFosMaK glassy fertilizer in the fertilization of nursery-cultivated yew and ninebark
AutorAgnieszka Lis-Krzyścin
Keywordsglassy fertilizer, Osmocote Exact, Taxus × media, Physocarpus opulifolius
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of glassy fertilizer as a slow-release fertilizer in container cultivation of Taxus × media and Physocarpus opulifolius in comparison with a common Osmocote Exact fertilizer used in nurseries. Glassy fertilizer granulated to Ø> 0.3 mm and Ø< 0.3 mm was applied in two doses: 3 and 6 g·dm-3. Macroelements, pH and EC were analysed for their content in the substrate. The total length of yew annual shoots was determined. Ninebark was measured for height and number of offshoots; it was also subject to quality classification. Osmocote Exact and coarsely-granulated glassy fertilizer showed systematic release of nutrients. The greatest length of annual shoots was marked on yews fertilized with Osmocote Exact and 3 g VitroFosMaK granulated to Ø< 0.3 mm per 1 dm3 of the substrate. Ninebarks fertilized with glassy fertilizer granulated to Ø< 0.3 mm in the dose of 6 of the substrate showed the greatest number of offshoots. The most valuable commercial material was obtained when the plants were fertilized with 6 g of the substrate.

TitleEffect of nitrogen fertilization on sugars, ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata alba L.)
AutorIwona Domagała-Świątkiewicz, Stanisław Rożek, Włodzimierz Sady
Keywordsfoliar nutrition, broadcast, placement fertilization, phytochemicals, cabbage quality
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The aim of this research was to determine the influence of various forms, diverse doses, and methods of application of nitrogen fertilizers and foliar nutrition on the concentration of soluble sugars, ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds in cabbage. The three year (2005–2007) field experiment was carried out with ‘Galaxy’ F1 white cabbage. Two factors were examined: the type of N fertilizer ammonium sulphate and RSM (solution ammonium nitrate and urea 1 : 1), and method of N application (placement and top dressing – broadcasted with or without foliar nutrition). Climatic conditions considerably affect the concentration of compounds in cabbage. The highest concentration of soluble sugars was fund in cabbage receiving N as RSM in comparison to ammonium sulphate and with foliar nutrition treatment. In each year of the experiment plants fed RSM were characterized highest concentration of ascorbic acid. For means of year 2005–2007 foliar nutrition led to a marked decline in the concentration of ascorbic acid in cabbage. In 2005 and 2007 highest concentration of phenolic compounds was assessed in cabbage plants fed RSM. Cabbage plants fertilized 75% N broadcasted at planting of seedlings with foliar nutrition characterized the lowest concentration of phenolic compounds – means for 2005–2007.

TitleThe effect of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) catch crop on content of selected components of nutritive value of sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. Saccharata (Sturtev.) L.H. Bailey)
AutorDanuta Buraczyńska, Jolanta Franczuk, Edyta Kosterna, Robert Rosa, Anna Zaniewicz-Bajkowska
Keywordsorganic manuring, green manure, dry matter, ascorbic acid, sugars
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Organic manuring have significant influence on the sweet corn growth. Important element of sweet corn agrotechny can be catch crops cultivated on the ploughing down. A field experiment was carried out at the Zawady Experimental Farm near Siedlce. There was investigated the effect of green manures applied as sunflower catch crops on changes in the content of dry matter, ascorbic acid, total sugars and monosaccharides in sweet corn . The sunflower was sown at three dates: the 21st of July, 4th of August and 18th of August. The effects of catch crop green manures was compared to the effect of farmyard manure (40 t·ha-1) and the control. Sweet corn cultivated in control and after catch crops sown on the 18th of August content more dry matter in kernels then cultivated after farmyard manure. Catch crops sown on the 21st of July and 18th of August reduced ascorbic acid content in corn compared to farmyard manure and the catch crop sown on the 4th of August. Sweet corn cultivated following farmyard manure and catch crops sown on the 21st of July and 4th of August had a higher content of total sugars compared with corn following the sunflower catch crop sown on the 18th of August. An average content of monosaccharides in sweet corn after sunflower catch crop sown on the 21st of July was higher than in corn cultivated following farmyard manure.

TitleSomaclonal variability in callus culture of Lycopersicon hirsutum f. typicum and Lycopersicon chilense
AutorDanuta Kulpa, Emilia Palka, Danuta Rzepka-Plevneš, Marlena Wiśniewska
KeywordsCallus, tomato, wild species, tolerance, salinity, growth regulators, DNA, variability
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The aim of the study was to induce somaclonal variability in the callus culture of L. hirsutum f. typicum and L. chilense and to characterize them in respect to tolerance to salinity. Callus was initiated on the cotyledon fragments grown on the medium supplemented with NAA and BAP. The tolerance of callus to salt was tested on MS media containing NaCl in concentration 25, 50, 75, 100, 200 mM. Callus tolerant to 100 mM NaCl was next regenerated by ten weeks on the media with different doses of growth regulators. After this time genetic differences between selected fragments and control (MS medium containing no growth regulators) were determining using ISSR-PCR method. The results show that NaCl concentration significantly affects the regeneration of callus in L. hirsutum f. typicum and L. chilense. The dose 200 mM NaCl of the medium results, in both species, in callus dying. Comparing the genetic similarity of examined callus samples with the control ones in both species, it may be stated that the differences in their response to NaCl and applied growth regulators were generally in the range 2–30%.

TitleThe yield and nutritive value of selected carrot cultivars with orange – and purple – colored storage roots
AutorJoanna Majkowska-Gadomska, Brygida Wierzbicka
Keywordscarrot, Crop Care, yield, L-ascorbic acid, sugars total, macroelements
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The aim of an experiment conducted in 2006–2008 was to determine the effect of soil fertilization with Crop Care on the yield and chemical composition of carrot cultivars with orange- and purple-colored storage roots. The yield and chemical composition of three carrot cultivars: ‘Florida F1 with orange-colored roots, ‘Deep Purple F1‘ with purple-colored roots and ‘Purple Haze F1‘ with roots that have a purple cortex and an orange core were compared in this study. Plants were grown in control soil with sufficient quantities of nutrients to support the development of carrot roots as well as in soil additionally fertilized with Crop Care. The results of the study showed that carrots of cv. ‘Florida F1 produced a much higher total yield and marketable yield than carrots of cv. ‘Deep Purple F1 and ‘Purple Haze F1’. Additional fertilization significantly increased the marketable yield of the carrots. The edible parts of purple root cultivars were characterized by a higher content of dry matter, L-ascorbic acid and total carbohydrates. The application of the Crop Care fertilizer significantly increased the dry matter content of carrots. Roots of cv. ‘Deep Purple F1 contained the highest levels of N, K and Mg, while cv. Florida F1 was most abundant in Ca and Na.

TitleThe effect of nitrogen fertilization on yielding and chemical composition of radicchio chicory for autumn – harvest cultivation
AutorAnita Biesiada, Eugeniusz Kołota
Keywordsmethod of fertilization, dose of N, nutritional value, nitrates
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Chicory of radicchio type is a vegetable similarly cultivated to head lettuce, yet featuring relatively longer plant growing period. Most of this crop cultivars characterize intensive red color of leaves and white leaves venation. Field experiment carried out in 2005–2007 involved cultivation, from transplants, of radicchio type chicory of ‘Indigo’ cultivar for autumn harvest. Seeds were sown at the end of June and seedlings were transplanted to their final stand in the first week of August. Chicory heads harvesting took place in the half of October and in its course there were estimated the following parameters: total and marketable yield, as well as, in edible parts, the content of .nitrates, macroelements, dry matter, reducing and total sugars and vitamin C. The highest marketable yield of chicory in autumn cultivation was provided by nitrogen fertilization in the dose of 150 kg N∙ha-1 , the whole amount applied once, previously to plant growing period. Intensive nitrogen fertilization contributed to higher amount of accumulated nitrates, potassium, calcium, magnesium, reducing and total sugars, as well as vitamin C.

TitleYield and changes in the fruit quality of cherry tomato grown on the cocofibre and rockwool slabs used for the second time
AutorAliaksandr Abukhovich, Jolanta Kobryń
Keywordscherry tomato, yield, fruit quality, growing media
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Greenhouse cultivation of four cultivars of cherry tomato (Goldita, Faworita, Flavorino, Organza) on the substrates used for the second time (cocofibre and rockwool) did not show any differences in their yielding. Fruits obtained from cultivation on the cocofibre contained less dry matter and vitamin C. During the vegetation period some changes in fruit quality were observed. In the first weeks of fruiting more organic acids and less of vitamin C were observed in fruits. At the time of full fruiting (II period) the content of vitamin C was at its highest and at the same time the content of organic acids and dry matter at the lowest. At the end of vegetation (III period) fruits contained more dry matter and total sugars). Cultivars significantly differed in respect to yielding and fruit quality. The highest content of the investigated components was characteristic for Favorita and Goldita cultivars and the lowest for Organza. However, that cultivar produced the highest total and marketable yield.

TitleEffect of substrate type and method of fertigation control on yield size and fruit quality of greenhouse cucumber
AutorGrzegorz Bykowski, Włodzimierz Krzesiński, Józef Piróg
Keywordscucumber, Soltimer, starting tray, rockwool, coconut fibre
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Yield and fruit quality of cucumber depend on such factors as plant cultivar, plant nutrition and the cultivation method. The presented paper contains results confirming the usefulness of rockwool and coconut fibre as well as the application of the fertigation system in cucumber growing. Studies on the growing of cucumber Onyks F1 cultivar were carried out in the years 2003–2005 in an unheated greenhouse. A two-factorial experiment was established. One experimental factor consisted in the fertigation control methods including Soltimer device and the starting tray. The other factor included substrate types: rockwool Agroban and coconut fibre Ceres. Plant distribution was 2 plants per one square metre. On the basis of the presented studies, it was found that greenhouse cucumber yielding was influenced by the frequency of nutrient supply, by climatic conditions in the given year and by the applied substrate type. The applied media of rockwool Agroban and coconut fibre Ceres did not exert any influence on plant yielding. On the other hand, a significant effect on the total and the marketable fruit yield was exerted by the cooperation between the fertigation control method and the substrate type.

TitleDependence of the yield of mushrooms [Agaricus bisporus (Lange, Sing)] on the applied substrate
AutorMarian Gapiński, Joanna Murawska, Wanda Woźniak, Mirosława Ziombra
Keywordsmushroom, phase II substrate, phase III substrate, yield
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Substrate yield-forming properties and their impact on common mushroom yields were evaluated in the course of the performed experiments. All substrates for mushroom cultivation were characterised by considerable variability of yield-forming characteristics. The following yield-forming factors in mushroom cultivation were analysed: weight of substrate in kg·m-2 of cultivation area, the method of substrate preparation, substrate moisture content at filling of the cultivation chamber, amount of substrate dry matter in kg·m-2 of cultivation area, ammonia concentration in phase II substrate after pasteurisation. The highest mushroom yields were obtained from phase III substrate. An increase of the substrate dry matter per square metre of cultivation area by 1% led to a significant increase in the yield of mushrooms.

TitleNumerical strength dynamics of Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt. 1843) on common walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Lublin town plantings
AutorKatarzyna Karczmarz
KeywordsDusky-veined walnut aphis, walnut, city landscape, meteorological conditions
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Common walnut has gained recognition in Poland as a tree decorating the space around us because of its habit and impressive leaves. More and more frequent use of walnut in the city landscape induced a more thorough analysis of the factor causing a significant decrease in the decorative values of this plant. The aim of this paper was to trace the numerical strength dynamics of Ch. juglandicola occupying the Juglans regia L. trees, referring to the weather conditions system and to determine the harmfulness degree of the above- mentioned plant louse species. Studies were conducted on walnut trees (Juglans regia L.) in Lublin in the years 2006–2008. Three stands in housing estate areas were selected for observation: (A) –a park estate of single-family houses (B) –in the University Campus area, and near the street (C) –at the crossroads of busy streets near the petrol station. The terms of occurrence of this plant louse, as well as the dynamics of its numerical strength were determined against the background of weather conditions. It was established that Chromaphis juglandicola (Kalt.) occurs on the Juglans regia L. trees growing in Lublin town plantings. It was reported that these plant lice occurred most numerously in the year 2007 on the housing estate post. Ch. juglandicola were observed at the bottom side of the leaf blade in dispersion. The terms of spring appearance and autumn disappearance of plant lice were significantly affected by the course of weather conditions. Their development was enhanced by warm spring with not very intense precipitation. However the air temperature above 30ºC and storm-like down pouring rain in summer limited the numerical strength of Ch. juglandicola.

TitleAntimicrobial and antiprotozoal effect of sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.)
AutorLidia Chomicz, Zygmunt Kazimierczuk, Mariola Kozłowska, Agnieszka E. Laudy, Artur Napiórkowski, Bohdan J. Starościak
KeywordsSweet marjoram, antibacterial activity, antiprotozoal activity, anti-yeast activity, Pentatrichomonas hominis
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The objective of the present study that has been carried out in the Institute of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, was to investigate antimicrobial activity of a number of sweet marjoram extracts. Raw (fresh or dried) plant material from culinary or medicinal herbs may contain varying amounts of bacteria or protozoa, including some known human pathogens. The isolates, which are prepared by procedures involving the use of elevated temperature and/or organic solvents or other chemicals are expected to have considerably less or no such potentially harmful burden. Four sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) fractions obtained by steam distillation, Soxhlet n-hexane extraction, extraction with aqueous ethanol, and with ethanolic ammonia solution were evaluated in vitro for activity against twenty Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacterial strains, six Candida sp. yeast strains and a single protozoan species Pentatrichomonas hominis. The n-hexane extract showed the highest antibacterial activity and inhibited growth of eight out of nine Staphylococcus aureus strains used. The other bacteria showed no substantial susceptibility to the extracts, except that Acinetobacter baumannii showed some inhibition by the aqueous ethanol extract. The isolates were also active against three out of six Candida sp. strains used, and the ethanolic ammonia extract reduced the number of viable P. hominis trophozoites by 50% at 160 µg·ml-1 concentration in 24 h cultures; the remaining extracts were considerably less or but marginally effective. These data warrant further study on identifying the components of the extracts with the highest activities.

TitleNutrients contents in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) herb depending on calcium carbonate dose and cultivar
AutorKatarzyna Dzida
Keywordsfertilization, cultivar, microelements, and microelements
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Basil, cultivated as a medicinal and seasoning plant, has strict requirements as to climate, as well as soil fecundity and humidity. The herb harvested during flowering period, contains, besides valuable essential oil, plant dye, vitamins and mineral components. The undertaken studies were aimed at analyzing the contents of macro and microelements in the herbs of two basil cultivars (‘Kasia’ and ‘Wala’), depending on the doses of calcium carbonate – 6 and 12 g·dm-3 substratum. The total nitrogen contents was on quite an even level – from 5.23 to 5.43% d.m. A significant effect of the examined cultivar was reported upon the N-total contents, whereas the calcium carbonate dose did not differentiate the content of this component in a plant. Significant effects of calcium fertilizer dose and cultivar were reported upon potassium and calcium contents in basil herb. The double dose of CaCO3 caused the decrease of potassium and calcium amounts in the plant. Higher concentrations of K and Ca were found in the herb of ‘Kasia’ than ‘Wala’ cultivar. Higher zinc, manganese and copper contents were found in plants of ‘Wala’ cultivar, as compared to plants of ‘Kasia’ cultivar. Doubling the dose of calcium carbonate caused the decrease of manganese, copper and iron concentrations in basil herb, as compared to a single dose. Only as to zinc no such response was reported. The concentrations of nutrients in the examined substratum was differentiated depending on the analyzed factors.

TitleBiological value and essential oil content in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) depending on calcium fertilization and cultivar
AutorKatarzyna Dzida
Keywordsbasil, cultivar, calcium carbonate dose, herb, yield, vitamin C, chemical composition of oil
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Within the Ocimum genus there occur about 200 species in different varieties and forms. They differ in the essential oil content and quality, as well as in many morphological features. The studies conducted in the years 2008–2009 were aimed at defining the effect of basil cultivar (‘Kasia’ and ‘Wala’), as well as of the differentiated doses of CaCO3 (6 or 12 g·dm-3 of substratum) upon the biological value and chemical composition of the oil in the examined plants, grown in pots filled with transitory peat. A significant interaction was reported between the examined cultivar and CaCO3 dose upon the yield of fresh basil plant weight. The highest yield (172.3 g·plant-1) was obtained from plants of ‛Kasia’ cultivar, when a higher dose of CaCO3 was applied (12 g·dm-3 substratum). Lack of significant effect of calcium carbonate dose was reported upon the yield of fresh basil plant weight. In the examined objects similar fresh weight yield values were obtained. At a higher dose of calcium carbonate the unit plant weight equaled 165.9 g·plant-1, and at a lower dose of CaCO3 it was 160.2 g·plant-1. The percentage of dry matter significantly depended on the cultivar. Basil of ‘Wala’ cultivar had higher dry matter content, (32.0%) compared to ‘Kasia’ (25.6%). Both the cultivar and calcium carbonate dose significantly affected the vitamin C contents in fresh basil herb. Increasing the CaCO3 dose from 6 g·dm-3 to 12 g·dm-3 caused the increase of vitamin C concentration by 12.6%. Higher essential oil contents was characteristic of the herb of ‘Kasia’ plants – 1.33% compared to ‘Wala’ cultivar, in whose herb 1.03% of oil was determined. The qualitative composition of isolated oil depended on the examined factors. The predominating compounds were: linalool, 1.8-cineole, geranyl, D germacrene, γ-cadinene, Epi-α -cadinole. A certain differentiation was found in the contents of particular compounds in the essential oils of ‘Kasia’ and ‘Wala’ plants, as the effect of calcium nutrition.

TitleEffect of sowing date on biological value of garden orache
AutorIrena Długosz, Monika Grzeszczuk, Dorota Jadczak, Anna Kawecka
KeywordsAtriplex hortensis L., nutritional compounds, biologically active compounds
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Garden orache (Atriplex hortensis L.) belongs to Chenopodiaceae family. Usable parts of this species are the young stems and leaves characterized by a high content of protein. The aim of the study was the estimation of the effect of sowing date (2nd and 3rd 10-days’ period of April, and 1st 10-days’ period of May) on the biological value of garden orache leaves. The experiment was conducted in 2008–2009. Chemical analyses of raw plant material (leaves of garden orache) included determination of the content of dry matter, total sugars, titratable acidity, total ash, crude fibre, total protein, nitrates, L-ascorbic acid, chlorophylls, carotenoids, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity. It was proved that sowing date had a significant effect on the content of dry matter, total ash, total protein, total sugars, L-ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity. On the base of obtained results it was proved that plants of garden orache grown at the latest date of sowing (1st 10-days’ period of May) were characterized by the highest biological value.

TitleEffect of road de-icing salts with anti corrosion agents on selected plant species
AutorHelena Gawrońska, Monika Małecka-Przybysz, Mariola Wrochna
KeywordsNaCl, CaCl2, anticorrosion agents, germination, biomass accumulation, chlorophyll a fluorescence
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The effect of CaCl2 and NaCl with anti-corrosion additives (ammonium phosphate and sodium hypochlorite in amount of 3 to 5% of preparation weight), protected by Polish patent no. 198058, applied in concentrations of 4, 8 and 12 g dm-3 on germination and seedling vigour of Lolium perenne L. cv. Solen and Festuca rubra L. cv. Nimba was evaluated. Other studied parameters were: chlorophyll content, chlophyll a fluorescence and biomass accumulation in Canna × generalis, Rosa rugosa L. and Lolium perenne L. under the influence of the above mentioned substances. It was found that application of de-icing substances delayed and reduced germination of grass seedlings and declined root growth. Red fescue was less tolerant for increased salinity in soil than perennial ryegrass. Application of de-icing substances on rugosa rose, canna lilly and perennial ryegrass plants led to decrease of chlorophyll content, potential photochemical efficiency, performance index and biomass accumulation. Without anticorrosion agents the least toxic was calcium chloride and the most sodium chloride. Additives to de-icing road salts, in general, decreased NaCl toxicity and increased toxicity of CaCl2.

TitleThe effects of different pruning treatments on THE growth, fruit quality and yield of 'HaciHaliloglu' apricot
AutorMustafa Altindag, Ibrahim Bolat, Belgin Celik, M. Naim Demirtas, Sezai Ercisli, Ali Ikinci, Handan A. Olmez, Mustafa Sahin
KeywordsPrunus armeniaca L., summer pruning, winter pruning, pomological fruit features
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This study was conducted in Malatya, between 1999 and 2003, and the region's most important dried apricot variety, Hacihaliloglu was used as material. In the study, the effect of 5 different combined or alone pruning treatments on the growth, fruit quality and yield characteristics were determined in comparison with non-pruned trees. Pruning treatments in different periods did not statistically affect phenological features and fruit dimensions but strongly affected total soluble solid and fruit firmness of Hacihaliloglu apricot cultivar. The highest average yield considering trunk cross-sectional area was obtained as 0.34 kg·cm-2 from pre-harvest summer pruning treatment and the highest share of flower bud was observed as 68.29% in pre-harvest summer+winter pruning treatment. Pruning applications significantly affected both shoot diameter and length. The highest shoot diameter and length were obtained from pre-harvest summer+winter pruning application as 8.52 mm and 77.84 cm, respectively. The highest leaf area was determined as 39.43 cm2 in post harvest pruning treatment.

TitleGrowth and branching of pear trees (Pyrus domestica, Rosaceae) in nursery
AutorNebojša Milošević, Tomo Milošević
Keywordsnursery trees, pear cultivar, correlation, sylleptic shoot, rootstock
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The study was conducted in two successive years to examine the capacity of formation of sylleptic shoots in nursery trees of ‘Abbé Fétel’, ‘Conference’ and ‘Starking Delicious’ pear cultivars grafted on quince MA and quince BA 29 rootstocks during the first year after bud grafting. Tree height, trunk diameter – 10 cm above the bud union and number of sylleptic shoots were measured at the end of each season. Tree height was measured from the ground level. The greatest number of sylleptic shoots was registered in ‘Abbé Fétel’ in both seasons, and the smallest in ‘Starking Delicious’. Tree height and tree diameter were highly significantly affected by cultivar in both years and by rootstock in 2008. The interactions between them did not significantly affect the examined parameters. The study showed that the early growth and syllepsis of pear nursery trees during the first year after bud-grafting were incomparably more affected by cultivar than by rootstock.