Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Formatio Circumiectus
(Kształtowanie Środowiska) 4 (1) 2005
Mirosław Grzybowski, Zbigniew Endler
ecomorphological evaluation, Elżbieta Canal, Olsztyńskie Lakeland
The results of studies conducted in the years 2003–2004 were used to carry out an ecomorphological evaluation of the Elżbieta Canal located in the Olsztyńskie Lakeland. The evaluation was made on the basis of the following parameters: bed morphology, watercourse hydraulics, physico-chemical properties of water, features of the tree-cover of banks, features of the aquatic and bank vegetation, features of the littoral zone, and land-use pattern of the surrounding valley. The Elżbieta Canal was divided into five sections. The results of the studies indicate that the naturalness of water decreases as the canal comes nearer to its mouth. Based on the average score for the whole canal, which was 2.86, it was assigned to naturalness class III that includes partially regulated watercourses of average ecological and landscape value. With respect to ecological and morphological value the canal clearly divides into two sections. The most valuable parts are located above the Kaplityny village, while below the village and further up to the canal mouth to the Wadąg Lake, the ecomorphological value of the canal lowers. The growth of housing estates in the close vicinity of the canal negatively affected the littoral zone, the aquatic and bank vegetation as well as the morphology of the canal bed and the quality of water.
Grzybowski, M., Endler, Z. (2005). ECOMORPHOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF ELŻBIETA CANAL. Acta Sci. Pol. Formatio Circumiectus, 4(1), 37-46.
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