Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 4 (2) 2005
Efficiency of the modern anticorrosion protection of screw joints in the characteristic operational conditions of the agricultural machine
Czesław Rzeźnik, Piotr Rybacki
corrosion, disassembly process, agricultural machines
This work reveals the results of the measurement of values of slackening torque which are protected by modern anticorrosion means. There was also carried out the estimation and statistical analysis of protection quality of each protections modern means, and their influence on value of slackening torque and easiness of disassembly process of the agricultural machine.
Rzeźnik, C., Rybacki, P. (2005). Efficiency of the modern anticorrosion protection of screw joints in the characteristic operational conditions of the agricultural machine. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 4(2), 3-9.
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