Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 4 (2) 2005
Assesment of the relation between the run of mixing of granular, multi-component and their fractions using the cluster analysis
Jolanta Królczyk, Marek Tukiendorf
granular materials, non-homogenous granular blend, poultry pellet, cluster analysis
In the paper the relationship between the mixing of granular, multi-components and the fractions of a particular grain has been attempted. A cluster analysis was used in the study. Four clusters from a dendrogram illustrating taxonomical distances between the mixture components were distinguished in the analysis. Based on the means of components’ fractions the minutes of mixing influence on the clusters’ creation were established. Based on the dendrological analysis and the structure of each cluster, it has been established that the percentage of components in a blend plays a crucial role in the mixing. The most important influence on mixing had the two ingredients (sorghum and field pea) that the largest percentages shares in a mixture. Significant influence on the process had also black sunflower, yellow and green pea. The first minutes of mixing were also influenced by yellow millet, hulling oat, Carthamus tinctorius and white sorghum. Whereas the remaining components did not have any impact on mixing.
Królczyk, J., Tukiendorf, M. (2005). Assesment of the relation between the run of mixing of granular, multi-component and their fractions using the cluster analysis. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 4(2), 21-30.
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