Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 4 (2) 2005     ISSN: 1644-0741
Analysis of Time series for Accuracy Estimation of GPS Kinematic MetHods
Ladislav Bárta
real-time kinematic method, simulation of measurements, stationary time series
Mathematic model for statistical interpretation of continuous record of kinematic data is presented in this paper. Rover antenna is positioned over the point – static positioning of antenna. It means that stored coordinates in the time epochs we can interpret as stationary time series. To each record are assigned additional information such as number and configuration of satellites, estimations of horizontal and vertical accuracy, breaks in radio transmission and others. Paper is focused to simulation of real field measurements based on above mentioned data files. From results of the analysis optimal technology of measurements is determined i.e. optimal length of observation on point, optimal number of measurements on the point and first of all minimum time interval between two measurements on the point. Experimental measurements of stationary time series were situated to the area of Kralický Sněž ník. There was used kinematic method in real time – RTK. Time series have length of 24 hours. Mountain environment and high difference between end points of baseline have direct influence on accuracy of this observation technique. There are expected different results in comparison to similar baselines obtained in flat regions.
Bárta, L. (2005). Analysis of Time series for Accuracy Estimation of GPS Kinematic MetHods. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 4(2), 3-13.
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