Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 1 (2) 2002     ISSN: 1644-0741
Determination of structural parameters of potato tuber tissue, v. ‘Danusia’ and v. ‘Kuba’
Krystyna Konstankiewicz, Marek Gancarz, Andrzej Król, Kamil Pawlak
plant tissue structure, microscopic images, geometrical parameters of the cell structure, parenchyma tissue of potato tuber
The present work focuses on a method for quantitative evaluation of cell structural parameters of parenchyma tissues of potato tuber such as: surface area, perimeter, Feret’s diameters, elongation, compactness. The use method is based on analysis of tissue section combine images obtained by an optical confocal microscope. Results of structural parameters, mean values and distribution, for inner and outer core of potato tuber parenchyma of two chosen varieties (Solanum tuberosum v. ‘Danusia’ and v. ‘Kuba’) are presented. Experiments were carried out for the samples in natural state, without preparation.
Konstankiewicz, K., Gancarz, M., Król, A., Pawlak, K. (2002). Determination of structural parameters of potato tuber tissue, v. ‘Danusia’ and v. ‘Kuba’. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 1(2), 23-32.
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