Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Geodesia et Descriptio Terrarum
(Geodezja i Kartografia) 4 (2) 2005
The use of GPS/IMU for integrated and direct orientation of aerial images
Vlastimil Hanzl, Josef Podstavek
GPS/IMU, integrated orientation, direct orientation
The paper deals with the project GA 103/03/0102 “Integration of orientation systems and cameras in photogrammetry“. The navigation system Applanix was connected with metric aerial cameras RMK TOP 15, RMK TOP 30 and digital non-metric camera Hasselblad 555 ELD. These integrated systems were tested and calibrated on test field. Accuracy of orientation parameters were determined and various block configuration and number of ground control points were proved. The project confirmed some conclusions of the former OEEPE project. The use of direct orientation is not possible for stereoevaluation because the accuracy of rotation from inertial unit is not sufficient. The used system Differential GPS NovAtell and IMU Applanix POS AV 310 showed better accuracy then declarated one. Interior orientation parameters and additional parameters were not necessary to use for metric cameras. The use of GPS/IMU data in automatic aerotriangulation have saved the time of image measurements. The middle format digital cameras are suitable for small projects, but precise calibration is needed. Smaller oblong format of images makes worse geometry of the block. The overlap 70-80%, more number of images and more control points are recommended.
Hanzl, V., Podstavek, J. (2005). The use of GPS/IMU for integrated and direct orientation of aerial images. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 4(2), 71-77.
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