Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Geodesia et Descriptio Terrarum
(Geodezja i Kartografia) 5 (1-2) 2006
Teresa Dzikowska
arrangement-agricultural works; spatial and economical influence of highways; the way how highway is localized; spatial organization of farms
The main aim of this paper is to gauge the influence on the organization of agriculture space caused by modernizing or relocating highways. The additional aims are to list the economical measurements which are used to estimate the magnitude of compensation for negative changes in farmland and to define need for arrangement-agricultural works. The research was conducted in 3 chosen boroughs (opolskie and lubuskie) on three levels: whole boroughs; record areas and farms influenced by the localization of highway. There were descriptive, graphical, comparative and economical methods used in the analyzes. The results show that there are certain special and economical effects connected with the presence of highways. Some effects appear always, some randomly and some may intensify when the highway is relocated. This paper is an analyze of spatial and economical structures of agriculture productive space in chosen boroughs for two dominant ways of localization highways in Poland. The described boroughs are diverse for a sake of property structure, amount of forests and pattern of farm fields. This gives an opportunity to compare results with propositions of arrangement-agricultural works which shall reduce the negative effects of highways. The results can be used in first process of determining the influence which have linear investments on area objects. The method used in the paper may be useful while estimating compensations for farmers whose fields lay in the neighborhood of highway.
Dzikowska, T. (2006). THE INFLUENCE OF A HIGHWAY ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AREAS. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 5(1-2), 17-38.
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