Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Formatio Circumiectus
(Kształtowanie Środowiska) 5 (1) 2006
GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OF Caragana arborescens, Cornus sanguinea AND Hippophaë rhamnoides SHRUBS ON WET ASH DISPOSAL SITE
Mariola Wróbel, Krzysztof Pacewicz, Tomasz Wieczorek, Mirosława Gilewska, Krzysztof Otremba
biological reclamation, wet ash removal, ash disposal site, Caragana arborescens, Cornus sanguinea, Hippophaë rhamnoides
Research carried out on the wet ash disposal site of the Adamów power plant in Turek assessed the growth of selected shrub species used for the biological reclamation of the disposal site. Ash rock on seventeen experimental plots was covered with a layer of sludge or bulder clay and in some variants the chemistry of the substrate was improved by additional NPK or N fertilisation. Biometrical measurements included the height of shrubs, the number and diameter of stems, and the length of the annual increments of shoots. Caragana arborescens and Hippophaë rhamnoides performed better than Cornus sanguinea: the shrubs of the two former species grew faster, produced more stems and had longer annual increments. All the shrub species under study achieved significantly higher values of biometrical characteristics on substrates enriched with a layer of boulder clay. Mineral fertilisation had an ambiguous effect on the relations between the characteristics studied.
Wróbel, M., Pacewicz, K., Wieczorek, T., Gilewska, M., Otremba, K. (2006). GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OF Caragana arborescens, Cornus sanguinea AND Hippophaë rhamnoides SHRUBS ON WET ASH DISPOSAL SITE. Acta Sci. Pol. Formatio Circumiectus, 5(1), 75-86.
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