Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 5 (2) 2006
Effect of laser stimulation on cropping yield of alfalfa and hybrid alfalfa studied in sowing year
Agata Dziwulska, Mieczysław Wilczek, Marek Ćwintal
laser stimulation, yield, lucerne seeds
The seeds of alfalfa cv Legend as well as hybrid alfalfa cv Radius have been irradiated with divergent He-Ne laser beam directly prior sowing. In the field experiment a different varieties of lucerne as well as the six different energy doses of the divergend laser beams as compared to control were consideced. The field experiments have been done in Spiczyn administrative district łęczyński by using the method of the land random square (20 m2) and four repetitions. The following parametes have been estimated from field experiments: germination ability, growing pattern per 1 m2, a number of shoots of lucerne, dry matter of single shoot, cropping yields of green and dry matter, the percentage of leaves in dry matter. The laser irradiation resulted in the growth of the germination ability, number of shoots per 1 m2 and the yields of green and dry matter.
Dziwulska, A., Wilczek, M., Ćwintal, M. (2006). Effect of laser stimulation on cropping yield of alfalfa and hybrid alfalfa studied in sowing year. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 5(2), 13-21.
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