Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 5 (2) 2006
Thermo-physical characteristic of aerial environment in rooms with pools for the controlled fish's breeding
Henryk Żelazny
building for livestock, aerial environment, pools, fishes
The moisture is one of the most dangerous causes of building damages. It favours developmental of harmful micro-organisms, and moreover it enlarges the loss of warmth, because heat conduction of the moist air is by about 15 larger higher than dry air. The assessment of the moisture of aerial area was conducted in four rooms with pools for the controlled fish's breeding. In winter period there were measured, by the measure of microclimate, the temperature and relative moisture of air and also the tension of water steam. In computational way there were determined maximum moisture, absolute moisture and physical insufficiency of moisture. Studied objects marked by comparatively high moisture of aerial environment and very large differentiation of hygrometrical coefficients, however the absolute content of water steam in air did not cross the value noted in farms. With smaller moisture there were characterized special rooms for the controlled fish’s breeding in comparison with buildings for livestock, in which fatten was realized in adapted room.
Żelazny, H. (2006). Thermo-physical characteristic of aerial environment in rooms with pools for the controlled fish's breeding. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 5(2), 75-85.
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