Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 3 (2) 2004
The effect of forecrops on the strawberry yielding
Dorota Pawłowska, Ewa Żmuda, Justyna Wieniarska
strawberry, forecrops, yield
The study was conducted from1998 to 2003 on Experimental Field in Felin. The two identical field experiments were conducted: the first – in the years 1998–2002 and the second – in the years 1999–2003. The objective of these studies was to estimate the influence the kind of forecrops on the qantit of yield of two strawberry cultivars: Senga Sengana and Kent. No nutrition was done before as well as during the studies. The forecrops were sowed in the sring in 1998 (in the first study) and in 1999 (in the second study). The mass of above – ground part of plants and the mass of post – harvest remainers, as well as their nutrition quality, were determined before plowing the forecrops. The best nutrition quality had marigold, providing soil with 150.2 kg of nitrogen, 22.4 kg of phosphorus, 225.1 kg of potassium, 39.9 kg of calcium and 16.6 kg of magnesium (in  acounting per hectare). All used forecrops had beneficial influence on strawberry plants yielding in comparison to the clean cultivation (control treatment). However, the best results were obtained using the rye, marigold and subterraean clover as the forecrop. For ‘Senga Sengana’ the total yield from 4 years per one plot (with 24 plants) rangeded from 35.85 kg (clean cultivation) to 41.51 kg (after rye), which equated per hectare from 66.4 and 77.6 tons, respectively. In the case of ‘Kent’ the total yield for this period ranged from 37.51 kg (clean cultivation) to 45.85 kg (after marigold), which equated per hectare from 69.5 and 84.9 tons, respectively. The best yield of ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Kent’ was produced in the second year of cultivation, which ranged from 17.34 kg per plot (clean cultivation) to 19.75 kg (after rye) and 17.15 (after common bean) to 23.52 kg (after marigold). In the third and fourth year of cultivation the yields of ‘Senga Sengana’ and ‘Kent’ decreased, on average by 30.5; 65.8% and 34.4; 68.9%, respectively.
Pawłowska, D., Żmuda, E., Wieniarska, J. (2004). The effect of forecrops on the strawberry yielding. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 3(2), 197-206.
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