Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Geodesia et Descriptio Terrarum
(Geodezja i Kartografia) 6 (1) 2007
Artur Plichta, Ireneusz Wyczałek, Elżbieta Wyczałek, Zbigniew Zdunek
QuickBird, GCP/ICP, image rectification, orthophotomap accuracy assessment.
The dynamic of urban development requires continuous and instant updating of domestic spatial information system, e.g. Urban GIS. It inclines to search for effective, not too expensive data sources that show changes of various objects. Reliable sources of topographic information are remote sensing images gained from aerial as well as satellite altitude. Every year aerial photos are gathered in Poznan, which are then used to actualize dates in the city map base. Every couple of years the orthophotomap is also renewed. However, that is an expensive and labor-consuming task, stand on those smallest communities can’t afford. Research works conducted in Poznan University of Technology attempt to estimate the capabilities of using very high resolution (VHR) satellite images for this purpose. The main target is usage an ortho-rectified images to detect the changes of topographic objects recorded in Urban GIS database. First of all, quality of the orthophotomap determines quality of these works, as well in geometric as radiometric respect. The aim of this work is to give the answer about usefulness of an employed procedure for the QuickBird image rectification, including pansharpening, DTM generation and assessment of an absolute accuracy of the created orthophotomap. Test area encircles 5x5 km part of a city recorded in QuickBird-2 OrthoReady Standard Imagery.
Plichta, A., Wyczałek, I., Wyczałek, E., Zdunek, Z. (2007). REDACTION OF URBAN SATELLITE ORTOPHOTOMAP ON THE BASE OF QUICKBIRD-2 VHR IMAGERY. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 6(1), 25-37.
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