Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 6 (4) 2007     ISSN: 1644-0741
Content of potassium forms in an anthropogenic soil formed from post-mining lands under diversified AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES
Waldemar Spychalski, Tomasz Kosiada, Krzysztof Otremba
long-term experiment, post-mining lands, forms of potassium
The current paper reports about the influence of different levels of fertilization and agricultural practices (i.e. shallow and deep ploughing) on the total content of potassium (Ktot) and its forms in a soil formed from post-mining lands after twenty seven years of land reclamation processes. The total content of potassium ranged from 11630 to 15890 mg K·kg-1. It was found that the content of all potassium forms increased in soils along with the level of fertilization and varied within the range between 16.45 and 82.53 mg K·kg-1 for water-soluble K; between 75.51 and 210.93 mg K·kg-1 for active K extracted by 0.01 mol·dm-3 CaCl2; between 83.56 and 233.42 mg K·kg-1 for available K determined by the Egner-Riehm method; between 177.24 and 403.86 mg K·kg-1 for retrograded K extracted by 2 mol·dm-3 HCl; between 1001,2 and 1765,0 mg K·kg-1 for the reserve pool of K assayed by 1 mol·dm-3 HNO3; and between 1801 and 2817 mg K·kg-1 for residual K dissolved in a 20% HCl solution. No significant differences occurred for the same fertilization treatments under shallow and deep ploughing practices.
Spychalski, W., Kosiada, T., Otremba, K. (2007). Content of potassium forms in an anthropogenic soil formed from post-mining lands under diversified AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES. Acta Sci. Pol. Agricultura, 6(4), 53-64.
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