Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 6 (1) 2007
The artificial lighting of the space in building for livestock in different usage states of lamps and internal surfaces of casing
Henryk Żelazny
building for livestock, lighting, lamps, internal surfaces
The artificial lighting of rooms, except making possible easy and safe executing of activities, should be rational and particularly not much energy-consuming. In comparative research were estimated, with the aid of luxmeter, differentiation of the lighting intensity under lamps with different state of dirty of the lighting fitting and different period of use of fluorescent lamp. There also were estimated the influence of the wet cleaning of the facing from aluminium film on improvement of general lighting in room for livestock. The difference of average value of artificial lighting intensity between the lamps with the lowest and the highest efficiency was until 15.7%. After wash next barriers, which are polished from inside by reflecting light rays screens, there were observed gradual drop of average intensity of artificial lighting in room for livestock from value 155.4 Lx to 151.1 Lx. In order to keep correct photo-climate in interior for livestock lighted by fluorescent lamps we should maintain cleanness of bindings and exchange lamps before their total consumption – the noticing on ends of pipes the dark collar can be a signal for it. In turn the removing of soiling from aluminium films with the aid of detergents, the wet method does not lead to profitable changes in lighting and it would undertake the research of effectiveness of improvement brightness connected with dry cleaning of this type of facing or with use of other techniques.
Żelazny, H. (2007). The artificial lighting of the space in building for livestock in different usage states of lamps and internal surfaces of casing. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 6(1), 3-16.
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