Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 6 (3) 2007
Effect of irrigation and fertilization on the growth and yielding of apple-trees cultivar Šampion in a replanted orchard
Eugeniusz Pacholak, Zofia Zydlik, Marcin Zachwieja, Krzysztof Rutkowski
apple-tree, soil fatigue, tree growth, yield, fruit mass, extract, firmness
Studies were carried out in an experimental orchard established on the area of Agricultural and Pomicultural Experimental Farm in Przybroda belonging to the Agricultural University in Poznań. The establishing of an orchard in the place of a previously existing one exerted an influence on the tree growth impediment and increased the number of tree losses. Poor growth decreased both the individual yield from one tree and the yielding from the area unit. Irrigation as well as fertilization had an effect on the occurrence of soil fatigue phenomenon. Increased irrigation intensity and low fertilization doses increased the results of replantation disease. The least effects of soil fatigue were found in case of no additional irrigation and an increased dose of tree fertilization. Experimental conditions did not exert any effect on fruit quality.
Pacholak, E., Zydlik, Z., Zachwieja, M., Rutkowski, K. (2007). Effect of irrigation and fertilization on the growth and yielding of apple-trees cultivar Šampion in a replanted orchard. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 6(3), 3-13.
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