Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 7 (1) 2008
Differentiation of microelements contents in nutrient solution and drainage water in growing of anthurium (Anthurium cultorum Birdsey) in expanded clay
Tomasz Kleiber, Andrzej Komosa
anthurium, microelements, nutrient solution, drainage water, expanded clay, closed fertigation system
Vegetative experiments were carried out in the years 2002–2004 in two specialistic horticultural farms growing the most popular in Poland and in the Netherlands cultivars of anthurium (Anthurium cultorum Birdsey): ‘Baron’, ‘Choco’, ‘Midori’, ‘Pistache’, ‘President’ and ‘Tropical’. Plants were grown in expanded clay with the use of drop fertigation with standard nutrient for anthurium in inert substrates (in mg∙dm-3): N-NH4 < 14.0, N-NO3 105.0, P 31.0, K 176.0, Ca 60.0, Mg 24.0, S-S04 48.0, Fe 0.840, Mn 0.160, Zn 0.200, B 0.220, Cu 0.032, Mo 0.048, pH 5.5–5.7, EC 1.5 – 1,8 mS∙cm-1. Subject of studies was the differentiation of microelement content in drainage waters driped from the substrate in relation to the supplied nutrient. Manganese was the nutrient wich was most intensely decreased (by –65.5%), followed by iron (by –51.9%) and zinc (by –45.2%). On the other hand, an increase was found in copper (by +11.1%) and in boron (by +16.6%). The recognition of changes in the contents of nutritive components in the drainage waters is a basis for the elaboration and implementation into the horticultural practice of closed fertigation systems with nutrient recirculation.
Kleiber, T., Komosa, A. (2008). Differentiation of microelements contents in nutrient solution and drainage water in growing of anthurium (Anthurium cultorum Birdsey) in expanded clay. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 7(1), 53-62.
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