Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 1 (1-2) 2002     ISSN: 1644-0741
The results of females reproduction of silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) descended from different genetic groups
Stanisław Kubacki, Jacek Zawiślak, Paweł Kubacki, Jerzy Zacharjasz, Natasza Święcicka
silver fox, fertility, fecundity
The aim of the paper was the characterization of breeding utility of silver fox females of native origin crossed with males imported from Finland. The research characterized 934 females utilized between 1997-1999. On the basis of the carried out researches it has been noticed that the highest number of born puppies were characterized by the females in the half-imported group (( native × ( Finnish) and females in the group of native vixens (4.90 and 4.67 individuals respectively). Taking into account the number of weaned puppies the analyzed groups of females were characterized by higher coefficients (4.20 and 4.07 individuals respectively).
Kubacki, S., Zawiślak, J., Kubacki, P., Zacharjasz, J., Święcicka, N. (2002). The results of females reproduction of silver foxes (Vulpes vulpes L.) descended from different genetic groups. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 1(1-2), 111-120.
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