Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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(Agronomia) 7 (1) 2008
Effect of cultivation intensity on protein concentrations and its yield of the winter wheat cultivars
Andrzej Oleksy, Aleksander Szmigiel, Marek Kołodziejczyk
winter wheat cultivars, cultivation intensity, protein content, grain yield, protein yield
The subject of research conducted in 2002-2005 at the University of Agriculture Experimental Station at Prusy near Krakow was an assessment of the effect of two cultivation technologies, diversified in respect of intensity, on yielding, grain protein concentrations and its yield from several selected winter wheat cultivars. The compared cultivation technologies: medium intensive and intensive had a significant influence upon protein content in grain of the analyzed cultivars, as well as on the yield of grain and protein. Wheat cultivation using the intensive technology caused an increase in grain yield by 1.5 t∙ha-1, in grain protein content by 0.9 percentage point and protein yield by 230 kg∙ha-1 in comparison with the medium-intensive technology. The effect of cultivation technology on the quantity of the analyzed features depended on the weather conditions and the cultivar. The analysed winter wheat cultivars were yielding on a very high level. From among compared cultivars, the lowest yielding wheat was Kobra Plus, and remaining cultivars yielded from 11 to 17% higher. Finezja and Soraja were characterized by the highest grain protein concentrations, whereas Turnia, Soraja and Finezja had the best protein yield.
Oleksy, A., Szmigiel, A., Kołodziejczyk, M. (2008). Effect of cultivation intensity on protein concentrations and its yield of the winter wheat cultivars. Acta Sci. Pol. Agricultura, 7(1), 47-56.
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