Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 7 (4) 2008     ISSN: 1644-0741
Effect of intensive regeneration pruning of frostbitten peach trees ‘Harbinger’ cv. on their growth and yielding
Bożena Radajewska, Michał Szklarz
peach, regeneration pruning, rootstock, growth, yielding
Studies were carried out in the years 2006–2008 in Przybroda near Poznań. Objects of studies consisted of 8-year old peach trees ‘Harbinger’ cultivar grown on three rootstocks: Manchurian Peach, Sand Cherry and Rakoniewicka Seedling. Tree crowns had a vase form and they were strongly damaged by frost during the winter 2005/2006. In spring 2006, intensive tree pruning was carried out. The objective of the studies was the estimation of the effect of a radical pruning of frostbitten trees on their regeneration and yielding, as well as to estimate the role of rootstocks in this process. Studies have shown that the tree pruning evoked a very strong compensation growth, the reaction of trees was the stronger, the more intensive was the tree pruning. As a result of the pruning, after 3 years, the lowered tree height (on the average by 40–50 cm) was maintained in relation to the control trees. After pruning, in the tree crown, longer productive long-shoots with diameters > 0.5 cm, developed as compared with the control. However, the radical pruning of trees caused in the third year after pruning a decrease in tree yielding from 30 to 40%, in comparison with the not pruned trees.
Radajewska, B., Szklarz, M. (2008). Effect of intensive regeneration pruning of frostbitten peach trees ‘Harbinger’ cv. on their growth and yielding. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 7(4), 43-56.
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