Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 7 (3) 2008     ISSN: 1644-0741
Małgorzata Gerus-Gościewska
physical planning, planning function, modeling of planning space, characteristics of space
We are all using models. In daily life we need effective models to act efficiently. Similarly, in studies on selecting the optimal development function we assume that the crossed space characteristics are related to a specific function, that the problems formulated relate to reality. Those assumptions are actually models describing the shape of planning space under the influence of characteristics conditioning it. Modeling means creating the idealized but useful replica of the real space. Civilization development and increase of social needs require development of continuously new fragments of space and, related to it, continual modification of areas already developed. The land use status changes under the influence of needs related to human existence, which causes allocation of agricultural and forest areas for urbanization. Choice of the optimal land use function depends on the presence of various characteristics of the space in the place assessed. The characteristics on land surface such as terrain relief, fertility characteristics of the soil, existing natural and anthropogenous elements most frequently influence the planning decisions concerning the development method. This paper also considers the information concerning presence of subsurface elements in the analyzed area such as type of soil bearing capacity, presence of empty spaces, construction materials’ deposits, ruins and historical objects, high level of ground waters and technical infrastructure. Variants of shape model based on surface characteristics, without information on underground elements and variants of changes to the model including those elements are presented. Inclusion of subsurface element in the planning space modeling process will contribute to optimization of planned function selection and decrease the number of decision mistakes made by planners in the process of physical planning.
Gerus-Gościewska, M. (2008). MODELING OF PLANNING SPACE USING SUBSURFACE INFORMATION. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 7(3), 37-45.
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