Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 8 (3-4) 2009
The use of specialized computer programs and the Internet on the farms
Andrzej Borusiewicz
computer, computer applications, Internet, agriculture
The aim of the research was to check to which extent farmers can use a computer, use agriculture specialized computer programs and the Internet in the production process on farms as well as to establish the level of acquaintance with these applications. 110 farms have been investigated. According to the questionnaire, 70% of farmers possess own computer, whereas 62% of them have access to the Internet. The majority of them claim that the Internet is a credible and useful source of information, 36% of farmers use Internet everyday. Even though, only 22% of farmers have specialized computer programs by far vast majority of them (80%) believe that they are useful in running a farm, also pointing which kind of software they would need.
Borusiewicz, A. (2009). The use of specialized computer programs and the Internet on the farms. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 8(3-4), 3-8.
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