Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 9 (2) 2010     ISSN: 1644-0741
Determinants of linseed (LINUM USITATISSIMUM L.) yield and its nutritional and medicinal importance
Tadeusz Zając, Andrzej Oleksy, Bogdan Kulig, Agnieszka Klimek
α-linolenic acid (C18:3), fatty acid, linseed, n-3, seed yield, supplementation of food
The article presents the origin and speciation of utility forms of linseed and the yield of its oil form in the world, Europe and Poland. The range of comparison was broaden to the arable land in the world and Europe. Systematic decrease in linseed growing area in the world and Europe is caused by low yielding as well as low utilization of linseed products in food industry. The level of linseed yielding in European countries is low, changeable throughout the years and difficult to define unambiguously. Low seed yielding ranges the linseed in an unfavourable position in the market. On account of the unique linseed oil composition one can expect positive results of this oil trade in the future. At present it is noticed that the demand for high quality food is increasing, where linseed oil supplementation is necessary as a source of α-linolenic acid. Such an approach may result in supplying 1 to 1.5 g of this acid in food for human per day, which is significant for nutrition and health. Prevalence and application of new possibilities of linseed production will allow an increase in arable land and productivity of linseed oil form.
Zając, T., Oleksy, A., Kulig, B., Klimek, A. (2010). Determinants of linseed (LINUM USITATISSIMUM L.) yield and its nutritional and medicinal importance. Acta Sci. Pol. Agricultura, 9(2), 47-63.
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