Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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(Ekonomia) 1 (1-2) 2002
Internet use by Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in their business activities
Krzysztof Kandefer
Internet, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), electronic commerce.
Internet is an element of technical infrastructure. It is also more universal medium than radio, television or newspapers. Observing global trends we can conclude that the Internet will play a significant social and economic role. In Poland we can also observe very dynamic development of this new medium. We can expect that in one or two years each Polish firm using computer will recon the access to the Internet as necessity. It will allow them to use all Internet services and to promote their products. Enterprises located in cities, with better market opportunities use the Internet more often. Enterprises in rural areas should intensify their work on better access to the Internet. Assistance programs offered by government and EU countries would be also helpful to achieve wider use of the Internet.
Kandefer, K. (2002). Internet use by Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in their business activities. Acta Sci. Pol. Oeconomia, 1(1-2), 169-182.
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