Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 8 (4) 2009     ISSN: 1644-0741
Determination of degree demand for cadastral data in land management
Kazimierz Zwirowicz
spatial management, cadastre, cadastral data
Spatial management is the interdisciplinary field of the humans being activities in space, which is mainly connected with spatial planning, valuation of real property, management of property. To make these activities more effective, they must be based on a number of information which is derived from many sources. One of these sources, that is considered as the fundamental one, is cadastre. There are two types of data in cadastre – spatial and descriptive one. Approaching to the optimal development of the land will bring the expected results, only if in the definite practical activities, there is usage of the selected set of the cadastral data of the high quality. Defining such a set of data is possible after determining, based on results of analysis of low regulations of activities connected with spatial management, the table of the priorities of the demand for the definite kinds of the cadastral data. The fact of use of the cadastral data in different tasks of human activities in the space, brings on the need of defining the multitasks of the cadastral data in spatial management. This goal could be achieved by taking the established priorities into consideration. Quality of cadastral datasets used in the realization of the tasks connected with spatial management should be evaluated by persons connected professionally with spatial planning and management. In order to achieve the assumed aim of the study 67,experts’ opinions have been used and the results of the study have been processed with the use of the scoring-based evaluation method. The study has shown that, from the point of view of the spatial management, the most desired kinds of data are: the cadastral reference number of the parcel/lot, its area, the information about the owner, descriptive data included in the cadastral records. Among all the studied documents, the quality of the cadastral map has been assessed best by the experts.
Zwirowicz, K. (2009). Determination of degree demand for cadastral data in land management. Acta Sci. Pol. Administratio Locorum, 8(4), 51-61.
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