Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 9 (4) 2010     ISSN: 1644-0741
Effect of substrate type and method of fertigation control on yield size and fruit quality of greenhouse cucumber
Józef Piróg, Grzegorz Bykowski, Włodzimierz Krzesiński
cucumber, Soltimer, starting tray, rockwool, coconut fibre
Yield and fruit quality of cucumber depend on such factors as plant cultivar, plant nutrition and the cultivation method. The presented paper contains results confirming the usefulness of rockwool and coconut fibre as well as the application of the fertigation system in cucumber growing. Studies on the growing of cucumber Onyks F1 cultivar were carried out in the years 2003–2005 in an unheated greenhouse. A two-factorial experiment was established. One experimental factor consisted in the fertigation control methods including Soltimer device and the starting tray. The other factor included substrate types: rockwool Agroban and coconut fibre Ceres. Plant distribution was 2 plants per one square metre. On the basis of the presented studies, it was found that greenhouse cucumber yielding was influenced by the frequency of nutrient supply, by climatic conditions in the given year and by the applied substrate type. The applied media of rockwool Agroban and coconut fibre Ceres did not exert any influence on plant yielding. On the other hand, a significant effect on the total and the marketable fruit yield was exerted by the cooperation between the fertigation control method and the substrate type.
Piróg, J., Bykowski, G., Krzesiński, W. (2010). Effect of substrate type and method of fertigation control on yield size and fruit quality of greenhouse cucumber. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 9(4), 99-109.
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