Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 9 (1-2) 2010
Shortened assessment of biscuit’s texture from frozen shortcake dough enriched by healthy additives
Katarzyna Kozłowicz
texture, shortcake, frozen, healthy additions
Bread and cake contains dietary fibre, minerals (magnesium, zinc, manganese) and vitamins (mainly group B) and are qualified to functional foods. The aim of the thesis was to assess the influence of healthy substances: spelt flour, inulin, date syrup and sorbitol in shortcake dough on texture of biscuits baked from frozen dough. In dough, in order to own’s recipe the sugar was replaced by inulin (GAJA), sorbitol (DAKART) and date syrup (Futuro CM-natural foods), wheat flour by spelt flour (BIO) and by combinations of these ingredients. Dough after freezing (–30°C) was packed in portions and stored for two weeks, thawed out and baked (220°C, 15 minutes). The texture of biscuits was rated by a test in the BROOKFIELD LFRA TEXTURE ANALYZER (knife thickness 3 mm, symmetrical blade, angle 30 grade, contact power 0,7 N, headway of knife 0,5 mm/s, deformation 30%), breaking probes from top perpendicularly to the surface and determining maximal value of breaking power. Healthy additions to dough has been influenced the texture of biscuits. Those from frozen and stored dough show increased hardness and the most advantagenous were the probes modificated by the composition by 100% share of date syrup and by 100% share of spelt flour.
Kozłowicz, K. (2010). Shortened assessment of biscuit’s texture from frozen shortcake dough enriched by healthy additives. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 9(1-2), 11-17.
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