Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Geodesia et Descriptio Terrarum
(Geodezja i Kartografia) 8 (4) 2009
Agnieszka Bieda
valuation, fixed assets, accountancy
The valuation of real property and its components is within the interest of many scientific disciplines. Property valuers are mainly lawyers, economists and land surveyors. The science they create engages, however, all these so different and remote areas, in a natural way, for the common benefit, and the property valuers’ knowledge is interdisciplinary. On the other hand, one can advance a thesis that no one can substitute land surveyors in numerical calculations connected with elaboration of observations. That is why real property valuation has permanently integrated with the broadly defined geodesy. In the time of economic recession, the economic development downturn results in the reduction of demand for the real property as well as lower interest in services of people qualified in the field of real property market. The community of real property valuers needs new areas of activity. Since there is no such a situation in the market that no financial statement would be necessary to be drawn up, the author, in her considerations, attempts to present the issue of valuation for accounting purposes, basing on both the domestic and international legal regulations. The latter should be strictly taken into account by valuers when engaging in the valuation for accounting purposes. The paper discussed the source of national (accounting act, NVS) and international (IVS, IAS) law from which the knowledge in the valuation of assets benefited the appraiser should take. Analysis supports the earlier publications.
Bieda, A. (2009). VALUAtION FOR ACCOUNtING pURpOSES. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 8(4), 21-30.
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