Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 9 (2) 2010     ISSN: 1644-0741
Grzegorz Leśnierowski, Robert Borowiak
lysozyme, high-temperature modification, oligomers, antibacterial activity
The aim of the study was to oligomerise monomers of lysozyme by modifying it in high temperature using RECICLEAN® as an agent facilitating the process. Water solutions of 2% lysozyme were prepared for modification. The prepared samples were treated with 2% solution of an oxidating reagent – RECICLEAN®. The duration of the process was 20 minutes. The obtained products were analysed by electrophoresis, densitometry and by determining hydrolytic activity. As a result of the modification, products containing 73.5–86.8% of oligomers were obtained. As far as this type of modification is concerned, formation of lysozyme tetramers was a new phenomenon. The number of created oligomers depends on the temperature applied in the process. The most favourable conditions in the light of the degree of polymerisation and the amount of active lysozyme, were those with temperature of 95°C. The products of this process contained 82.5% of oligomers, including 31.7% of dimers, and the amount of the active enzyme remained at the level of approximately 87%.
Leśnierowski, G., Borowiak, R. (2010). HIGH-TEMPERATURE MODIFICATION OF LYSOZYME. Acta Sci. Pol. Biotechnol., 9(2), 23-32.
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