Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 9 (3-4) 2010
Grounding of parameters of filtering element for vegetative oil refinement
Stepan Kovalyshyn, Petro Opanashchuk
filtration, vegetative oil, admixture, variation curve of distribution.
The research aims to improve oil quality by grounding parameters of the filtering element used in their refinement from various admixtures. The research included cold pressing of rape and flax oils on the screw press with activated supply of seeds. The quality of technological process of vegetative oil refinements may be improved by appropriate choice of filtering elements of adequate size parameters. Grounding of the cellule size of filters for admixture extraction from vegetative oils after their cold pressing depends much on the admixture load. For the research rape and flax oils, the main portion of admixtures should be 2–5 μm. To extract the admixtures efficiently, the filtering element with the cellule sized less than 2 μm should be applied and only then the qualitative parameters set by standards for food oils can be obtained.
Kovalyshyn, S., Opanashchuk, P. (2010). Grounding of parameters of filtering element for vegetative oil refinement. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 9(3-4), 11-17.
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