Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 10 (2) 2011     ISSN: 1644-0741
The effect of sulphur kind and dose on content and uptake of micro-nutrients by potato tubers (Solanum tubersosum L.)
Hanna Klikocka
potato tubers, sulphate and elemental sulphur, copper, zinc, manganese, iron
In case of sulphur shortage in the soil that element has a significant impact on yields of plants and their quality. The objective was to assess the impact of the work and the kind of sulphur content of Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe in the dry mass and uptake these elements by yield of dry mass of potato tuber. Experience in the field of potato head was in the years 2004–2006 by applying different kinds of sulphur (elemental and K2SO4) and dose (0, 25 and 50 kg·ha-1). Sulphur indeed affected the application to increase the yield of tubers. However, there has been an independent impact dose and kind of sulphur of tested characteristics. Only in the case of interaction of dose and kind of sulphur fertilization it was found that the highest yield was found when using 25 kg∙ha-1 in the sulphate kind and 50 kg∙ha-1 S in sulphate and elemental kind. The yield of dry mass was greatest when applied 25 kg∙ha-1 in the sulphate kind. The content of Cu, Zn, Mn (except Fe) in the dry mass and uptake these elements by yield of dry mass of potato tuber was significantly determined by S fertilization. The highest content of Cu and Zn in the dry mass and uptake these elements by yield of dry mass of tuber was after applying 50 kg S∙ha-1 in elemental kind and on the control plots (without sulphur). Content and uptake of Mn by tuber was reduced by sulphur fertilization, and the contents and uptake of the Fe by tuber increased as a result of increasing doses of sulphur (although not confirmed that statistically). Elemental sulphur in dose 50 kg∙ha-1 substantially reduced the pH value of the soil. It was a significant correlation between the pH value of the soil and the contents of Cu (negative), Zn (positive) and Mn (different values depending on years of research) in the dry mass and uptake these elements by yield of dry mass of potato tuber.
Klikocka, H. (2011). The effect of sulphur kind and dose on content and uptake of micro-nutrients by potato tubers (Solanum tubersosum L.). Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 10(2), 137-151.
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