Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 9 (4) 2010     ISSN: 1644-0741
Use and comparison of molecular and classical methods for the identification of moulds isolated from the soil
Michał Piegza, Joanna Rząsa, Ewelina Siepka, Danuta Witkowska
moulds, Trichoderma sp., RAPD, RFLP, molecular methods
Present work contains the attempt to compare methods of microorganisms identification, for example, the similarity between species – molecular and classical. The both methods were used because classical approaches based on the use of morphological criteria are, as in several other fungi, difficult to apply in Trichoderma, due to plasticity of characters to interpret. Consequently, almost all recent studies have used molecular data to characterize and identify species. The comparison of these two techniques is based on using guidelines of macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of few classical factors as well as RAPD and RFLP – molecular techniques. Results indicate that none of the technique being compared is adequate when used alone, although molecular ones are more accurate. There is no complete convergence between RAPD and RFLP what makes it even harder to interpret but this fact can be the result of inconvenient markers used in experiment.
Piegza, M., Rząsa, J., Siepka, E., Witkowska, D. (2010). Use and comparison of molecular and classical methods for the identification of moulds isolated from the soil. Acta Sci. Pol. Biotechnol., 9(4), 3-16.
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