Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Geodesia et Descriptio Terrarum
(Geodezja i Kartografia) 10 (1) 2011
Characteristic shape of land parcels on the urbanized areas – the analysis of morphological structure of a city
Agnieszka Bitner
land parcel, morphological structure of cities, shape of a parcel, urbanized area, circumference and area of a parcel
In this paper a two-dimensional structure resulting from the division of area into land parcels is investigated. Determination of the relationship between the parcel area and circumference allowed to characterize the characteristic parcel’s shape. Our study is based on data originating from Kraków, Zakopane, Starogard Gdański, Bytom oraz Malmö in Sweden. The relationship between the parcel circumference, L, and area, S, for the analyzed cities is the following L = A S , gdzie A = 6,28 ± 0,27. For five urban areas analyzed, the typical land parcel is a rectangle of the aspect ratio equal approximately 1:8.
Bitner, A. (2011). Characteristic shape of land parcels on the urbanized areas – the analysis of morphological structure of a city. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 10(1), 23-32.
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