Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 10 (3-4) 2011
Quality analysis of silages made from beet pulp using a baler for shredded material
Edmund Dulcet, Piotr Doroszewski, Jerzy Kaszkowiak, Sylwester Borowski, Roksana Rama, Robert Bujaczek, Jerzy Chojnacki
balers for shredded material, beet pulp, silage
Abstract: The construction and the operation principle of a baler made by a Norwegian company Orkel (MP 2000 Compactor model) was presented. An assessment of the quality obtained from sugar beet pulp silage prepared using the above-mentioned press. Been analyzed in the scale silage Fliege-Zimmer highest rated very good. This corresponds to the quality of silage in long silo bags. It was found that on the domestic market there isn’t this kind of machinery for sugar, sugar beet growers, farms with dairy cows or beef cattle.
Dulcet, E., Doroszewski, P., Kaszkowiak, J., Borowski, S., Rama, R., Bujaczek, R., Chojnacki, J. (2011). Quality analysis of silages made from beet pulp using a baler for shredded material. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 10(3-4), 19-26.
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