Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 11 (2) 2012     ISSN: 1644-0741
The influence of water sorbing geocomposite and pine bark mulching on growth and flowering of some perennial species
Katarzyna Wróblewska, Regina Dębicz, Przemysław Bąbelewski
hydrophilic polymer, mulch, Erigeron, Eupatorium, Silene, plant development
Previous research demonstrated positive influence of hydrophilic polymers on plant growth. Their utilization in agriculture is based mainly on mixing with the soil or medium. The aim of the experiment was to asses the influence of new form of supersorbent application in form of geocomposite consisted of polymer closed inside geotextile on development of Erigeron hybridus hort., Eupatorium purpureum L. and Silene chalcedonica (L.) E. Krause. The first factor of the experiment was utilization of geocomposite, the second one – pine bark mulching. After soaking in water geocomposite was placed in soil and plants were planted above. The growth and flowering of plants were assessed in the term of their most abundant flowering. The experiment documented positive influence of geocomposite on vegetative growth, it is: plant diameter and the number of shoots of all species as well as the height of Eupatorium. It also prompted Eupatorium and Erigeron flowering: plants developed more inflorescences of increased diameter. Pine bark positively determined the diameter of Eupatorium, whereas negatively influenced Silene diameter and number of shoots.
Wróblewska, K., Dębicz, R., Bąbelewski, P. (2012). The influence of water sorbing geocomposite and pine bark mulching on growth and flowering of some perennial species. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 11(2), 203-216.
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