Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 11 (4) 2012
The influence of the growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl on the regrowth rate of lawn grasses
Kazimierz Jankowski, Wiesław Czeluściński, Jolanta Jankowska, Roman Kolczarek, Jacek Sosnowski
trinexapac-ethyl, lawns, regrowth, fertilization, weather conditions
One of the limitations to the plant regrowth rate is the application of different kinds of natural and synthetic growth regulators. These substances when used in small doses actively influence direct transformations in plants, causing considerable changes in their growth and development. The lawn experiment was conducted from 2002 to 2004. It was done on an experimental plot in the arrangement of randomized blocks in four replications. In the investigation the mixture of the grasses called Super Gazon was used. The mixture was cultivated in combination with four mineral multiple-nutrient fertilizers with a balanced dose of nitrogen. The growth regulator, Moddus 250 SC, produced on the basis of the active substance trinexapac – ethyl (TE) by the Swiss firm Syngenta Crop Protection AG, was also applied in the experiment as an investigation factor. It was used as a spray in the quantity 0.06 cm3·m-2. Some lawn plots were not sprayed. The measurement was done at three-day intervals when the grasses on the experimental plots where spraying was applied had 12 cm of height. The obtained results showed that trinexapac-ethyl effectively slowed down the regrowth of turfgrasses in the examined sward. The influence of the growth regulator depended also on the weather conditions during the vegetation period. The growth regulator, trinexapac–ethyl, effectively influenced the slow regrowth of turfgrasses in the sward of the Super Gazon mixture, regardless of the kind of fertilizer used or the weather conditions.
Jankowski, K., Czeluściński, W., Jankowska, J., Kolczarek, R., Sosnowski, J. (2012). The influence of the growth regulator trinexapac-ethyl on the regrowth rate of lawn grasses. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 11(4), 67-76.
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