Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Administratio Locorum
(Gospodarka Przestrzenna) 11 (6) 2012     ISSN: 1644-0741
The effect of infestation with isolates of Trichoderma sp. on mycelium growth and yielding in single-spore heterokaryotic cultures of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach
Krzysztof Sobieralski, Marek Siwulski, Lidia Błaszczyk, Dorota Frużyńska-Jóźwiak, Jolanta Lisiecka
green mould, button mushroom, biotic effect, yield
The occurrence of fungi from the genus Trichoderma constitutes a serious problem in the culture of Agaricus bisporus leading to considerable losses. The aim of the investigations was to compare mutual interaction between some isolates of Trichoderma sp. and single-spore heterokaryotic cultures of A. bisporus on agar media and in cultivation conditions. The first stage of the study comprised assessment of growth for isolates of T. harzianum, T. agrressivum, T. atroviride and T. hamatum on PDA medium and growth of four heterokaryotic single-spore and strain Amycel 2600 A. bisporus cultures on peat-manure substrate. Moreover, the individual biotic effect (IEB) between isolates of Trichoderma and the tested A. bisporus cultures was also analysed. The second stage consisted in the evaluation of the volume of A. bisporus yield on the substrate, to which mycelia isolates of Trichoderma sp. were introduced. It was found that the analysed cultures and the cultivar strain of A. bisporus responded differently to the presence of Trichoderma sp. isolates both in terms of mycelium growth and the yield volume.
Sobieralski, K., Siwulski, M., Błaszczyk, L., Frużyńska-Jóźwiak, D., Lisiecka, J. (2012). The effect of infestation with isolates of Trichoderma sp. on mycelium growth and yielding in single-spore heterokaryotic cultures of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 11(6), 47-57.
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