Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Geodesia et Descriptio Terrarum
(Geodezja i Kartografia) 11 (2) 2012
Barbara Prus
change in land use, land use
Increasing urbanization leads today to changes in the functional structure of rural areas. In these areas, on the basis of planning studies prepared in the framework of the local land-use planning, we can see regular growth of areas earmarked for non-agricultural and non-forest. Areas used for agriculture at the expense of increasing the surface built-up areas and forest areas. According to the Law on protection of agricultural land and forests for non-agricultural and non-forest areas should be used for non-productive, in the absence of areas with the lowest suitability for agricultural purposes. Due to the continuous growth of built-up area of the surface area is reduced "the most useful to the building". As a result the process can be observed by the displacement of agricultural function housing development, service, industrial function. In addition, the Law amending the Law on the protection of agricultural land and forest land in 2009 abolished the obligation to obtain permission for change of land use for non-agricultural and non-forest administrative areas of cities. The paper presents an analysis of the results of surveys conducted for municipalities in Poland in terms of agricultural land-use change and forestry for other purposes. The study included the reassignment made in local development plans, the findings of studies of conditions and directions issued by the zoning decisions of the terms of built environment and land use. The study, based on the results of polls, "Spatial planning in the municipalities", the Central Statistical Office, presented the dynamic growth of reassignment of cases for non-agricultural land and forest in the period 2004-2010.
Prus, B. (2012). TRENDS OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST LAND USE CHANGES IN POLAND. Acta Sci. Pol. Geod. Descr. Terr., 11(2), 27-40.
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