Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Hortorum Cultus
(Ogrodnictwo) 12 (2) 2013
Effect of transplant growth stage on tomato productivity
Julė Jankauskienė, Aušra Brazaitytė, Česlovas Bobinas, Pavelas Duchovskis
tomato, yield, dry matter, photosynthetic pigments, fruit weight
Transplant quality of tomato depend on such factors as microclimate parameter, substrate, plant nutrition and other. The growth stage is very important indices of their quality. The objective of research was to determine the effect of the growth stage of tomato transplants on their quality and yield. Research was carried out in a greenhouse of the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in the period of 2008–2010. The investigated transplant growth stage of tomato cv. Cunero F1 5–6 leaves, 7–8 leaves and 9–10 leaves. Tomato transplants with 9–10 leaves were elongated and their leaves area were the highest. Plants with 7–8 leaves according to stem and leaves ratio were qualitative, accumulated in leaves the highest content of photosynthetic pigments and had the highest SLA. Tomato transplanted with older transplant started to flower the fastest compared to 5–6 leaves transplant. Higher total yield was produced by 7–8 leaves transplants. The least early yield was produced by 5–6 leaves transplant. The growth stage of tomato transplants had no effect on the average tomato fruit weight.
Jankauskienė, J., Brazaitytė, A., Bobinas, &., Duchovskis, P. (2013). Effect of transplant growth stage on tomato productivity. Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus, 12(2), 143-152.
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