Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 11 (3-4) 2012
Selected quality characteristics of extruded corn snacks with defatted flaxseeds addition
Agnieszka Wójtowicz, Ewelina Pasternak, Stanisław Juśko, Krystyna Hodara, Katarzyna Kozłowicz
extrusion-cooking, physical properties, corn snacks, flaxseeds
This paper presents the results of some physical characteristics and texture of corn snacks enriched with the addition of defatted flaxseeds in amount of 2.5 to 15%. Corn snacks were extruded using TS-45 single screw extrusion-cooker with plasticizing unit configuration of L/D = 12 in the temperature ranged 120–150°C with the screw speed of 100 rpm and were formed in a die with a hole of 3 mm for a snacks ready for consumption. The radial expansion ratio, bulk density and specific density, color in CIE-Lab scale, hardness using cutting test and sensory attributes by assessing the shape, color, taste, flavor and crispness in the 5-points scale were estimated for flaxseeds enriched snacks. Analysis of the results of physical characteristics and texture of corn snacks with defatted flaxseeds showed that increasing the amount of additive in the recipe resulted in reduction of the radial expansion and increased density of the extrudates. The addition of flaxseeds increased the cutting force and decreased the brightness of the products.
Wójtowicz, A., Pasternak, E., Juśko, S., Hodara, K., Kozłowicz, K. (2012). Selected quality characteristics of extruded corn snacks with defatted flaxseeds addition. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 11(3-4), 25-33.
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