Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Formatio Circumiectus
(Kształtowanie Środowiska) 12 (3) 2013
Zuzana Lagíňová, Jaroslav Antal
evapotranspiration, evaporation intensity, soil cultivation, soil water regime
In recent decades much attention has been devoted to topics dealing with temporal and spatial distribution of water capacity in the soil profile and evapotranspiration. The aim of this paper was to examine and describe the effect of soil surface modifications on evaporation intensity and then recommend options with the best ability to minimize evaporation for agricultural practice. During the year 2011 the effects of the soil surface modifications on the soil water storage, the amount of evaporated water and the evaporation intensity have been observed in the experimental area – Botanical Garden of Slovak Agricultural University. The experiment used different soil surface modifications – change the surface shape (convex and concave shape), change the hydrophysical properties (detergent application), agrotechnical controls (aerating, rolling, mulching). The soil moistures to a depth of 1 m soil profile were measured using the ADR method. Then the soil water storages to a depth of 0.6 m were determined with using planimeter. Using the simplified water balance equation the amounts of evaporated water and the evaporation intensity were calculated for each experimental variant. Based on the calculated amounts of evaporated water from individual variants can be noted that evaporation was minimized the most effective by applying detergent on the soil surface with convex shape. During the monitoring period this variant was showing the lowest evaporation intensity and the total amount of evaporated water from soil (664.7 mm), about 3.25 % lower value than variant – soil without modification. This result is considered by authors for the most valuable, because it „opens door“ to the new ways how to minimize evaporation using substances which lower the surface tension.
Lagíňová, Z., Antal, J. (2013). THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS SOIL SURFACE MODIFICATIONS ON EVAPOTRANSPIRATION INTENSITY. Acta Sci. Pol. Formatio Circumiectus, 12(3), 73-80.
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