Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

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Formatio Circumiectus
(Kształtowanie Środowiska) 12 (4) 2013
Estimation of dimensionless sediment delivery ratio
Bogusław Michalec, Marek Tarnawski, Agata Majerczyk, Tomasz Koniarz, Katarzyna Wachulec
erosion, sediment, USLE, SDR
The study shows the results of calculations of dimensionless sediment delivery ratios DR with ten different formulas. Various DR results were obtained. In order to specify the possibilities of using particular formulas the results of the average annual sediment load were compared with the results of calculations obtained by DR-USLE method. Having acquired the hydrological data of on mean 24 hours’ flows and the results of measurements of suspended sediment concentration at the Kotań water-gauge on the river Wisłoka the mean annual sediment load was specified. Taking into consideration the calculated annual sediment load over the span of 33 years average of sediment transport was determined which was compared with value calculated by DR-USLE method. The obtained results were different and ranged from 13.7 to –336.9%. This shows that there is no reason to use some of those analyzed formulas to specify sediment delivery ratio in the basin of Wisłoka river. The least differences were obtained with the use of Williams and Berndt formula as well as Roehl formula and Williams formula.
Michalec, B., Tarnawski, M., Majerczyk, A., Koniarz, T., Wachulec, K. (2013). Estimation of dimensionless sediment delivery ratio. Acta Sci. Pol. Formatio Circumiectus, 12(4), 75-83.
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