Acta Scientiarum Polonorum

Scientific paper founded in 2001 year by Polish agricultural universities

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Technica Agraria
(Inżynieria Rolnicza) 12 (1-2) 2013
The textural properties changes of selected pears varieties due to storage
Katarzyna Wróblewska-Barwińska, Rafał Nadulski
texture, flesh, skin, pears, storage
The aim of this work was to evaluate textural properties of selected pear varieties before and after an eight-week in refrigerator storage. This work included describing of firmness, hardness, cohesiveness of flesh and force at skin puncture as well as spectrum of these properties changes after storage period. It was proved that during the storage period occurs a statistically significant decrease of parameters, excluding flesh cohesiveness, characterizing texture of examined pear varieties. The range of this changes is different for individual parameters and depends on pear varieties properties. Before and after storage Lukasówka variety had the highest flesh firmness and hardness, the work of penetration and force at skin puncture while the lowest parameter of analyzed values had Generał variety.
Wróblewska-Barwińska, K., Nadulski, R. (2013). The textural properties changes of selected pears varieties due to storage. Acta Sci. Pol. Technica Agraria, 12(1-2), 3-12.
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